Chapter 4 | Operation: Blue Dragon II

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Upon arriving at the port, they were greeted by a Schwarzkopf. It's several turrets - only one of them being manned - and plenty of RWS systems was scanning around. The Marine saw a few smaller, wheeled UGVs driving around it and he watched them.

The wounded were quickly brought into the port, which had a makeshift Triage area set up by Marines and by some local emergency services, mostly medical department who wasn't able to leave the area near the port and just went in to help.

There was also an ARV-1 and a M1A3 Abrams watching nearby, the gun slowly turning and regarding the Marines that were entering from the west side. The marine walked by a robotic dog - which had a M72 Law and a 7.62mm machine gun on it - and gave it a few pets on its metallic, boxy head.

Getting in, he saw that there was a bunch of dead PLA here - This is probably where most of the anti-personnel munitions went - and he saw that there was some engineer units that were verifying the integrity of the Port.

There was some freshly set up Sentry guns in some spots and he regarded the combat engineers who set them up with a thumbs up.

"Alright..." he let out, as the gunfire in the city intensified. The Sergeant entered while carrying his corporal, and he rushed to a cot where the man could lay down and get the medical attention he needed.

Drones flew in and out, small 40mm drones and some larger ones that were just a wing.

He sat down and began to check his rifle. The cartridges was something that was interesting, that's for sure. Wonder what the Brass' going to do with them when we report that they were a 'resounding success'...

He scoffed, as he grabs his flask and takes a brief drink out of it, before getting up and heading to some containers.

The sound of V-22s and V-44s were heard, and he knew that they were just bringing more personnel and vehicles to shore up the port.

Largest port in the world right here, and man was there a lot of territory to cover.

The Initial air assault only brought enough personnel to do some basic sweeping and clearing, but they needed more manpower in order to defend it from the PLA and Red Guard.

To be frank, they were likely preparing to bring as much as they can down on a bunch of Americans that were helping Vietnamese-aided rebels to the south, especially if these Americans got hold of a port that was defended for a majority of the Civil War by the PLAN.

The PLAN did not last long when the U.S. Navy started to bear Railguns and stealth submarine drones on them, and it only led to a painful destruction as they were choked, and then pinched by a joint attack from the Navy-Marine Corp and the Air Force.

Satellite images of the sinking PLAN fleet went to the internet, counteracting the Chinese claims that their Navy was never hit and that it was doing alright.

As the Marine went to the containers, he saw that a few of them were mobile command centers, dropped off by V-44s.

A few ACV-Shorads were patrolling the Port now, while the F-22s and F-35s above continued to dance with J-20s; missiles, flares, and all of that glorious stuff.

"Enemy contact!" a distant voice yelled, before M8A1s and M5A2s began to sing their Pulse gunfire, while the Abrams and other assets out on the west and southwestern sides of the port began to lay heat into incoming enemies.

There was mortars being fired, drones providing targeting solutions, and the Abrams began to let loose the small missiles from its hull, shooting them out of the flush doors that allowed them to see the outside world.

As those missiles flew, so did the Schwarzkopf, which unleashed its slightly larger missiles, as well as its 140mm gun, which began to tear apart some armor that was coming from the west.

The Port will NOT fall, that was the order that was given.

There was a flight of Strategic bombers on the way, with some much needed ground support from the South and more Marines from the sea.

And there was A-10 support that was being harassed by enemy helicopters, MANPADs, and anything who's gun can aim just higher than 70 degrees.

The Marine goes up to a defensive position with a few others behind concrete barriers and sandbags. He aimed his shiny new M8A1 towards the entrance - he was growing rather accustomed to this thing - and he focused in on the distance silhouettes and sounds.

"Open fire!" 

And the particles began to fly.

PLA forces began to fall to the bullets, while any of them that was trying to push with the armor was hit with machine guns or Coaxials. 

As the Chinese armor began to arrive in numbers, that is when the Marines started to get a little nervous. Javelins, Carl Gustavs, and all of that was present, but the sheer number of enemies would only prove to make these stockpiles nill.

The Schwarzkopf however, did not give one fuck about how many enemies there were. All the guns, armor, and the tech she was given just made her crew incredibly mad. The ladies within just ordered each other to start going nuts.

And the Marines were treated to the sight of a U.S. Army H-MBT going to town. Various points on the vehicle let loose sparks of electric thauma, guns began to bark from all over the turret, body, and hull.

And the Main gun was just punishing anything that looked too armored to be in the tank commander's presence.

The only other Schwarzkopf present began to move. The Marines cheered as the 2 tanks started going to town like it was Black Friday in a shopping mall.

"Get 'em girls!" a sergeant screamed, as the Schwarzkopf just punished some more VT4A1s that tried to contain the very angry American steel beasts. They failed for obvious reasons.

This went on for a bit, until LCACs began to arrive in the port with the Marine reinforcements, as well as the strategic bombers who began to completely and utterly level the streets of Shanghai who have enemies marked.

Doing the jobs of the mortars but in a more destructive manner.

The PLA was forced to give up their assaults, as more Marines and gunships began to enter the area, which denied the PLA the numbers advantage as sheer firepower began to arrive in numbers they can't just simply throw things at.

"Send those fuckers packing!" a Marine cheered as they watched the PLA leave through drone cameras. He and his squad was laughing at the sight, before they went to help the new arrivals get settled in.

The US Flag went over the Port an hour later.

And the flag of SinoViet flew over it several months later when the peace treaty was signed.

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