Chapter 9

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I dedicated this to SweetlySouthern because of the awesome book cover that she made for me! I LOVE it!! :) 

Vote, comment, like, etc!! You know how it goes! :P .......and now for the feature presentation......

Mark and I walked along the beach silently. It wasn't an awkward silence, though, gratefully. The water trickled around our bare feet as the waves came in and out. 

I peeked at Mark out of the corner of my eye. He had a blank expression on his face, so I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I was really hoping that he wasn't regretting agreeing to come on this double date with Kaylen and I. But, she really hadn't given him a choice, as far as I knew.

I sighed softly. I couldn't help wishing that Mark had actually asked me on this date, instead of us being dragged along as chaperones, or whatever we were. I wanted to go on a real date with him--not one that was set up. But I sure as heck wasn't going to ask him. No way! I wasn't going to ask him. What if he turned me down? That would be putting myself at too much risk. 

I realized I was still holding Mark's hand. Why am I still doing this? It's all pretend. So? Just enjoy it.It's not worth it though. It doesn't matter. Yes, it does. It's not that easy! Why not? Because I don't want to get attached and get hurt! 

I pulled my hand from his. He turned and gave me a quizzical glance. I looked away. I didn't want to tell him my reasoning. He would think it was dumb.

"Why won't you hold my hand?" Mark asked bluntly. He stopped to look at me.

I stopped too. "You don't have to pretend we're on a real date, okay?" I replied, as blunt as he had been.

"What the heck?" he asked, confused and slightly offended. "I was under the impression that this WAS a real date."

"Really? That's how you do the dating game? Go out with your cousin's friends because she wants to go on a double date instead of by herself?" A hint of sarcasm crept into my voice.

"So what if she set it up? It's still a date!"

"No it's not! It's not the same, okay? So you don't have to pretend that it's real and that you're going out with somebody you like and stuff. Okay?"

Why was I getting angry while arguing with Mark? I guess I was jealous. Kaylen had always had guys chasing after. She was one of those people that everyone told she should be a model, and her fun personality added to her appeal. No, I wasn't mad at her. I think I was mad at the male population in general.

Mark looked flabbergasted by my outburst. Grrrr. We were getting along so well. Why the heck did I open my big mouth? Ha. I told you to enjoy it. SHUT UP!

I opened my mouth to apologize for taking out my anger on him undeservingly, but he beat me to it. "Well, you agreed to this too didn't you? And last I heard, YOU called this a date too."

He's right. I know, okay? I clamped my mouth shut, knowing he was right. He kept talking. "And besides. I probably would've asked you out on a date eventually, but Kaylen already had set it up for us. Why would I ask if it was already a done deal?"

"You would've?!" I asked, surprised.

"Well...yeah." Mark said. "I mean, you're funny, cute, fun to hang out with."

He can't be serious. "Didn't I say you didn't have to pretend anymore?"

"I'm not pretending, Savannah!" he yelled. I froze, silenced by his words.

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