Chapter 17

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Hey everyone! :D

So if you've been reading this, I hope you like it so far! I have a lot of fun writing this...I wish I had more time to write longer chapters and upload more frequently...but life is crazy busy!

If you haven't checked out my new story, you should! :) The title is: I'm saying "I do"....but not for Love. It's not an arranged marriage story, but it's about a couple who is getting married for convenience's sake. (High school senior Katy is marrying Jordan to escape a difficult home-life, and Jordan is marrying Katy to fulfill his parents' wish of him settling down.) Anyways. I'm really excited about it, too! Read it if you haven't already.

Anyways...are you still reading my ramblings? If so, kudos to you! :) But I'll stop now....on to "It's not that easy, Chapter 17"!! :D

~Dani :) (dlp5566)


Savannah's POV

I was totally surprised by everything Clay had said that day. Flabbergasted, really. It was so random and unexpected. And what happened to the whole "Sorry, but I still love my old girlfriend" thing? 

Guys. I'll never understand them.

I felt somewhat guilty about telling Clay I'l think about him, when I had bee spending all of my time talking to Mark and spending every weekend with him. But since that day when I was leaving Kaylen's house, he hasn't said anything about his feelings for me. I hadn't brought up the subject either, but I think he picked up on the fact that I cared for him, too.

So what was I going to do about Clay? What if I didn't really like Mark like I thought I did, and Clay was able to distract me from him? Ugh. There was too much to think about.

Clay had texted me that night and we talked some. I was texting Mark at the same time, and I felt an incredible amount of guilt. I was at a loss. I had no clue what I was going to do.

The weekend after Thanksgiving, Mark drove down to see me again. We had decided to hang out at my house and watch movies and play games for that Sunday afternoon. The more time I spent with Mark, the more I cared about him and the more comfortable I became with him. But, even though I was totally comfortable with being myself with him, I still tried to make sure I looked pretty or whatever. I didn't want him to think that just because he liked me I didn't care about my appearance. Does that make sense? I don't know. But, whatevever.

I woke up pretty late on that Sunday afternoon. I had stayed up late the night before working on a math project for school. I jumped in the shower quickly. When I got out, I put on mascara and lipgloss, and left my hair curly. I decided to wear my favorite Adidas sweatpants and a cute, long sleeved, lime green Aeropostale top. After I put on some lime green socks that matched my shirt, I was ready to see Mark.

As I went downstairs, I heard his truck pull into the driveway. "Lora, Mark's here!" I shouted, figuring Lora would be able to hear me better that way, since I wasn't quite sure where she was at that moment.

"Okay, honey. Behave and call me if ya need me!" Lora replied to me. I laughed to myself.

Behave? Funny. Mark has never tried anything on me, and he never will....I think.

I opened the front door and met Mark on the porch. "Hey!" I said excitedly.

Mark picked me up and spun me around as he hugged me. "Hey beautiful! I missed you this week!" he said. He kissed me on the cheek and set me down.

"Missed you too," I replied with a smile.

We went inside and went to the kitchen to eat some lunch. Lora had decided that she thought Mark was perfect for me, so she loved to cook for him. I honestly believe that she thought he had hung the moon. She was wrapped around his little finger, though she wouldn't admit it.

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