Chapter 21

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Hey! I so wish I could have uploaded already, but I've had a crazy week.

My friend Katie from Florida was with me all week, and we only see each other twice a year, so I spent all my time with her. We had a lot of fun...we went to the movies, went shopping, went to the beach...that sorta thing. It was AWESOME. And to make things even MORE former best friend (Kaitlynn) came to see me for the first time since March. I was so happy to see her!!

So this is not what you're looking for....Sorry! :/ Well. On to Chapter 21.....

Savannah's POV

December came in with a wonderful surprise. Down in south Georgia, snow rarely came, but that time, it was different. I woke up the first Saturday in December with excitement. Mark was coming to decorate the tree with Mom and I. (This was a first--usually an interior decorator decorated our house for Christmas, but earlier that week Mom had asked if Mark and I wanted to help her do it.)

I dressed in some comfortable jeans and a sweatshirt and threw my hair in a ponytail. I figured that there wasn't a need to dress up to see Mark today since we would be busy going into the attic and carrying boxes. I knew it would be tiring, but I didn't care since I would be spending time with my awesome boyfriend.

It was almost ten o'clock when I heard Mark's truck outside. I skipped down the stairs, almost running over my mom who was standing in the foyer with a coffee cup. "Careful, Hon!" she said.

"Sorry!" I apologized as I unlocked the front door. As I opened the door, Mark had just raised his hand to knock.

"Hey!" he said, surprised. I took in his appearance. He, too, was in jeans and a sweatshirt. He had on a pair of black Nike Shox and a black hat with a University of Georgia logo on it. In his left hand, there was a Starbucks cup, and his right hand was raised in the air.

I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey!" I said. We stepped in the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Kessler," Mark said to my mom, who was watching the two of us. 

Mom smiled at Mark. "Hello, dear. We're so excited to have you help!"

Oh yeah. Maybe I should mention one minor detail. Before one of our dates, Mark had come early to meet my parents in person, on one of the few occasions that both of my parents were home. I wasn't quite sure what my dad thought about Mark, but Mom had absolutely loved him. Though it seemed somewhat strange, ever since Mark and I had started dating, my mom and I had actually developed more of a relationship than we had ever had in the past. It was nice.

Mark gave my mom a quick hug. "Well I take every chance I have to be with Savannah."

I blushed. He was so sweet. If anyone else had told me that they had the most amazing boyfriend in the world, well. They were dead wrong. Mark was definitely, by far, the best.

"So are you ready to get busy?" Mom said brightly. She started walking up the stairs and motioned for us to follow her to the attic.

"Sure," Mark and I answered simultaneously. Suddenly Mark handed me his Starbucks cup. I raised my eyebrows, silently asking him why. 

"I got it for you. It's your favorite. French vanilla cappuccino with no whipped cream," he said. He bent down and slipped his shoes off, leaving them by the front door. When I didn't reply he said "What?" and gave me a quizzical glance.

"How did you know that was my favorite?" I asked. I was positive that I had never told him.

Mark gave me his signature cocky grin. "I know everything babe."

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