Chapter 15

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Author's Note....

So here's Chapter 15! What do ya'll think so far? Do you like going back and forth between all the characters' POVs of would you rather me keep it all Savannah's or what? 

Love ya!! :)
~Dani :)


I think I might actually like him. I knew it!! Well, I'll decided after the date. I don't know yet. I mean what if he's really jerk-ish? Fine, decide then. But don't play the guy. It's not fair. I won't do that.

In the kitchen, I found Lora cleaning the stove. "Well don't you look beautiful!" she exclaimed.

I blushed. "Mark's coming to pick me up in a few minutes. I have a date with him, set up by he and Mom."

Lora raised her eyebrows and I quickly related the story to her. She found it amusing, but she was also happy that I was going with Mark. "I know you'll have a good time, baby girl," she said. She quickly hugged me as the doorbell rang. "Not that must be your young man."

"Or your's," I teased. We laughed, and I went to answer the door.

Here goes nothing!


Savannah's POV

Mark looked as good as ever. He was in jeans and a blue polo, which accented his beautiful eyes. "Hey!" he said.

I couldn't help smiling back at him. "Hey," I said. "Wanna come in or what?"

"Well, actually I have some other plans for the day if that's alright," he replied. 

"Oh, okay, sure. Yeah. I mean, that's fine," I said. Whoa, way to go there. So smooth. Make yourself look like an idiot in front of the hottie. (Laughing) You sooooooo like him. Gah. Go away.

Mark winked. "So you ready?" he asked. He glance over my outfit quickly, then his eyes returned to my face. "By the way, you look gorgeous."

I blushed. "Thanks. And yeah, I think I'm ready." I grabbed my purse off the table in the foyer, and closed the door behind me. Mark grabbed my hand and led me to his truck. Boy, it was nice. Lemme tell ya-if I was the truck kind of girl, I would want one just like this. It was shiny black, with chrome accents. He had obviously put a lift kit on it, so the running boards underneath the doors were helpful, especially for someone my height. All in all, it was extremely nice.

He helped me up into the truck then jogged around to the driver's side. 

"So," I said. "What are we up to today, now that you have officially kidnapped me?" I added a smile to my words so he didn't think I was ticked off that he talked to my mom.

"It's a surprise," he said. He back out of my driveway, then drove out of our gated community. "But I think you'll have fun."

"Oh, okay," I replied. "So how exactly did you know where I lived?"

"Well, for one, because Kaylen used to live here, and two, I used a GPS," he said, nodding his head toward the small screen propped up on the dash.

I blushed slightly. "Oops, didn't notice it," I said sheepishly. I laughed at myself. "Sometimes I think I should've been born blonde."

"Nah, I think you're pretty hot as a brunette!" Mark said. He turned and winked at me. He saw me blush and said "I think it's pretty cute when you blush."

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