Getting closer to each other

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(This is an other original chapter)

A couple day after J's return and your banishment, you were now living inside the pod with V and N. You were, as per usual fixing whatever stuff you can, V was blowing bubbles and N was helping you with your repair.

N - "I still can believe that Mister Uzi would banish you (Y/N)."

(Y/N) - "Well, I did say that he hated my guts when we first met remember? He does thinks that I'm the reason why you manage to enter the colony."

V - "You know, you wouldn't have that whole problem if you just had let me killed him."

N - "V!"

V - "Just saying."

(Y/N) - *sarcastically* "Sure, letting my friend's dad begin torn apart would have been great for our friendship."

(An hour later.)

(Y/N) - "Finally, that... things is fixe."

V - "Wait. You had no idea what you were working on? Also why are you still doing this? Not like that purple thing is going to be back anytime soon."

(Y/N) - "I don't have anything else to do, plus its kinda my home now, with all the banishment stuff. Getting expelled, from the only place on the planet I ever lived. Losing, everything I ever owned. *laughing hestricly* Also that 'purple thing' got a name."

V - "Whatever."

N - "Okay, I'm going to see if can squeeze some oils from the nearby bodies see ya later."

(Y/N) - "Roger that, Hope you find some, cause if one of you is overheating I'm not feeling like being a snack. I already got enough near death experiences for a long while."

After N exit the pod to collect some oils, there were a short moment of silence that you decide to broke.

(Y/N) - "Looks like it's just you and me, once again."

V - "Yep. So what happened back there? Neither you or N said anything."

(Y/N) - "J got brings back from the dead as a monster thing by a program named absolute solver, *light chuckle* guess she really wanted her arm back. Saw an hologram of my dead parents. You know a totally normal monday. I also can do that now."

You change your left hand into claws, before turning in back to normal.

V - "Wait. What was that middle part."

(Y/N) - "The solver one, or my dead parents?"

V eyes widen in shock.

V - "I... I am sorry for you."

(Y/N) - "Why would you be sorry? They didn't got killed by a disassembly drone."

V - "You're not sad about it?"

(Y/N) - "Yes I was, but if I'm for spending my entire life being depressing over it, what they did would have meant nothing, also from the few memories I have of them, I know they would have wanted me to move on."

V - "If it wasn't someone from my old squad. What happened?"

(Y/N) - "I... don't what to talk about THAT, sometimes I just wish that I would just forget how it happened."

V - "Oh. Sorry for asking."

(Y/N) - "It's okay V, you're just curious."

V - "If it does make you feel better, your not the only one with a shity past."

(Y/N) - *chuckle* "Life's a bitch."

V - "You don't say. Arg-

(Y/N) - "You okay?"

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