Can't catch a break

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(Y/N) - "Okay okay, I know it's looks..... weird."

After returning back home, Rose was rather surprised by your new appearance.

Rose - "Weird, weird? (Y/N), you have a tail..... why do you have a robo-God dam tail? And why does it have a head?!"

She point at the head tail as it starts bitting a chair, unfortunately you could make it stop before it chowing a piece off. Leaving a bite mark on it.

(Y/N) - "Soo, long story short... *nervous laughter* I'm part disassembly drone now! Well, I think I am? Also sorry for the chair. I haven't learn how to control it yet."

Her eyes hollowed in shock.

Rose - "You what?!"

(Y/N) - "Yeah, turns out that replacing my lost arm with a disassembly drone's arm as... some side effects."

Rose - "Side effects? Freaking side effects!? You call that a side effect? What's next? You gonna grow wings and starts drinking oil?"

Your eyes quickly hollowed before returning back to normal.

(Y/N) - "*nervous chuckle* Yeah..... about that."

Rose eyes widen before fainting. You, and even your tail, look at her in panic as she fall on the floor.

(Y/N) - "Rose?! Y-you okay?!"

After awhile Rose, who you put on a chair, just woke up. Putting her right hand on her forehead. Seeing you sitting in front of her, while your tail haed was chewing on a piece of metal like a dog.

Rose - *sighs* "So you need to drink oil now?"

(Y/N) - "Yep. I also can't go outside during the day anymore, it burns."

Rose - "And they say that puberty is a big change in someone's life. Well, at least your still my nephew, and not some kind of rampaging monster."

When Rose mentioned a rampant monster, memories from your fight against Uzi flash in your head. When you calling her a monster, stabbing through her chest with a chainsaw, laughing maniacally as it peirce through her, the rage that you felt when you saw what she became. But currently you didn't feel any anger. What you felt was guilt. Guilty that you let Uzi turn into one of those thing and guilt about letting V getting hurt, letting her nearly die for a second time.

(Y/N) - *looking down* "Yeah, guess there's that."

With the sudden mood change of her nephew, Rose started to be worried.

Rose - "(Y/N), is everything alright?"

Not wanting to made her worry about the solver problem, you decide to lie. After all the last time Rose saw one of those it killed her sister. Plus, what she doesn't know can't hurt her. So you made you look up and made your best fake smile.

(Y/N) - *lying* "Yeah, everything's fine."

Your statement didn't improve her worry that much. Even if she believed your lie, which she mostly does, she still had the feeling that you were hiding something.

Rose - "That's, great. Anyway in about an hour my friend, Maria, is going to play me a visit. Her daughter is in your class, she's such a sweetie. Her name is Julie, if I remember well."

Your eyes turned hollowed, as you realize that you eat your aunt friend's daughter and said friend is going to visit her today.

(Y/N) - *muttering to yourself* "She did tasted rather sweet. Wait her mom is going to visit us!"

Rose - "Say what?"

You start panicking as you don't want Rose to know what you did.... plus it's going to be awkward to sit next to the mother of your recent victim.

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