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A old TV was showing a video, a JcJonson instruction video about what to do if someone what's the disassemble a drone and the reason. But most importantly what not to do. An automated voice can be heard.

The narrator - "Upgrading models? Cutting maintenance costs?"

The screen was showing the reason and, based on percentage, how much those said reason are likely to happen. The first one with 53% was units damaged, the second, with 27% was upgrading mode, thirdly is terminating operation with 11%, competitors products was the fourth one with 7%, core failsafe trip with 2% and last one was other with 1%.

The narrator - "There are many reasons to disassemble a drone individual or a series after use. Following those two is the key to av-

The TV started to show static and the text 'ZOMBIE DRONE!' appears in red, old horror movie title style.

The narrator - "Incomplete disassemble drones may occasionally reboot from death software alone. More than undead federal fine hazards, it's corrupted AI, can carry an indirect risk of future errors."

We see where the ancient TV was, in the middle of a mass dump full of dead workers drones, with crows picking the bodies apart. Under one of the huge pile of bodies a single drone smiling came back to life with a broken visor and yellow eyes. We now see a creepy mansion in the middle of a storm with thunder roaring through the stormy night. Inside the mansion, all the workers drones were wearing either butler or maid outfit depending on their gender but two thing they all had in common. The first one was their visor, they were all showing the same message ///ERROR 606/// with a yellow X over it. The second one was the fact that they were all frozen in place, in the middle of whatever they were doing. Well, not all of them were in this strange state. The only one who was normal is N. Who was reading a book in a library.

N - "Commonly kept, this breed is known for it's friendly, intelligent temperament and soft golden coat. *laugh* Golden retriever are also- us as lizard. J drew herself.

N grabs a piece of paper with him and V drawn as what looks like lizard and really well drawing of J in human from, saying to kill yourself. N throws the paper making it lands on a small pile of paper. The said pile was in front of V who was in the same state that the rest of the drones were. N clean his throat before continuing to read the book to the unconscious V.

N - "Are also known for their gentle mouth. Oh, that's why they are good with kids."

As N finish his reading strange noise came from a wooden hatch behind V. Getting up with fear showing in his visor, a book feel next to him with 'DANGER' written on the cover. Two other books fall even closer to him the first one as 'ENTER' for his title and the second one 'The spooky basement'. Something was knocking against the basement hatch like if whatever is inside is trying to get out. N just shake his head, made a peace sign and left the library.

Meanwhile in the real world. You and Uzi were sitting in front of her desk with emitter on your forehead to go inside the disassembly drones memories. Both of you were annoyed at N actions in the memory realm. Uzi was more annoyed by it since you didn't help with her mood.

(Y/N) - "Told you it wouldn't work."

Uzi - "Usually it works in the movies."

(Y/N) - "Yeah in movies. And, you might not believe me but we are not, in a dam horror movie! You have to be really stupid if you think that N is dumb enough to go down there by his own."

Uzi - "Bite me! Instead of criticizing everything help me find a solution."

(Y/N) - "I'm good with the mechanical stuff. You're the one who's good with the whole hacking stuff. Find something. Plus I did help you, I told you your idea wouldn't work but no. You didn't listen and I give you ideas but you rejected to them all."

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