Mass distribution

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We hear the wind howling, thunder roaring and a bell ringing with the flash coming from the lighting strike a church is revealed, however something was odd about this, it was under ground they were not only a church but a thunder storms inside of a cave. Two sentinels were chained, preventing them from getting inside the building let out a shriek, as a banner with 'Cabin fever' written on it was push by the wind. Inside the church a group of humans scientists were running around, working on computers one of them had a priest hat and robe.

Hat wearing human - "Science holding strong! *dramatically* Math."

She looked up at a floating chained drone with oil pouring out of it a ID card floated in front of it, the ID was showing the numbers '02' and the name 'Nori'. The drone had an craz smile and yellow eyes was staring at one human in particular, this human who was carrying a clipboard looked around before pointing at him self.

Scientists - "Dr. Chamber?"

The human realize that the scientists was talking to him he was about to show his name tag but notice that it wasn't his, he look back at the dresser and see his actual suit, with the ID tag 'Mitchell ' who is an intern.

Mitchell - "Is this guy important?"

All the sudden they heard the chains snapping. Nori used her shadow claw, which she used to break her restrain, to grab one of spike connected to the chain and throws it right at Mitchell who shield himself with the clipboard, another human pulled a lever who activated a magnetic pentagram which caused Nori to be slammed against it, a bunch of UV lights were also actually the purpled light started to fry her. One of her shadow limb was mere centimeter away from Mitchell before retracting back inside Nori. The priest scientists throws an ID at him.

Scientists - "Mitchell! Go get 48!"

Mitchell - "Ehh, it's a doctor thing?"

The scientists walk towards Nori as she pulled a cross from somewhere, flipped it, and reveal it is actually a USB key.

Mitchell - "Cause I'm doing it right away!"

He ran outside of the church, light up his headlight and nearly got bitten by the sentinels guarding the place. The light reveals the cabin fever logo on the cavern wall. Arriving in a locker room, Mitchell opened the one labeled 48. Opening it revealed a chained up Yeva who slammed her head against the locker she was in. The human and the drone returned to the church but on the way Mitchell noticed that the sentinels were gone, leaving their chains floating in the wind. Entering the building the human left Yeva outside he saw that everything was fine the main scientists was looking at a Nori who as the USB jammed in her visor. Something was wrong about the situation. A blood covered USB key was just laying on the floor.

Scientists - "Chamber! Get over here! Did you find 48!?"

Mitchell blocked the door preventing Yeva to get in.

Mitchell - "Ehh no."

Scientists - "Whatever."

Mitchell - "R-right."

He advance in the room and try to reach the USB but stopped as he saw a severed arm laying next to him, this was just an illusion. Realizing that the trap wouldn't work the solver revealed what truly happened as it pulled the priest scientists inside off an organic hole. With the illusion gone the human saw the slaughter that happen when he was gone. Part of the building were crubrumbling as he reached out for the USB nearly getting crushed by one. As the dust settle a possessed Nori came from the hole with two organic limbs popping out of her back.

Solver - "Thanks for the new host, intern. This one is way better."

She pulled the USB from the human hand before sending it right back at him.

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