Dead end

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Inside an abandone facility we see a beach being shown on a old computer screen. The lights started to flicker before turning all off, as an ominous music started to play. A single, terrified drone was hiding from something under a desk. She saw her friend, paralyzed laying on the floor she muster her courage and crawl in his direction wanting to save him. Unknowing to the unfortunate drone, the creature that she was hiding from his stalking her, from the shadows. Her obliviounes was short lived though as she shortly saw a tail followed by flashing bright blue lights and a animalistic shrink. She starts to pulling him in her hiding place but stopped as she hide after hearing the creature again. Now believing that the monsters were gone she slowly reaches for her friend, before witnessing him being torn apart by two of the metallic creatures, his oil covered remains fell on the floor, now utterly terrified the lone drone hide and hold her breath, hoping that the creature won't notice her. Shortly after finishing the paralyzed drone the two monsters walk away, leaving the drone alone she let's a sighs of relief, but her relief were cut short as she saw the same blue lights than before slowly creeping over the wooden wall, she tried to get away but turned around and look at the creature as a flash of blue lights froze her in place, now unable to do anything she gets torn off by the monster, as a security camera is watching the scene.

Somewhere else on the planet an unexpected reunion was happening, you recognize J and Doll but you had no idea who was the third figure, but who ever that was you had an unfortunate feeling when you set your eyes on them. Luckily for you your question was answered without even asking it.

N - "Tessa?"

The unknown figure now know as Tessa run through N and grabs him by the cheek, pulling him in the air.

Tessa - "N, you remember *coughing* Tall, handsome. Air's toxic. And who's that-

She pointed at Uzi before being bitten by Uzi.

Uzi - "Uzi. What are you doing here, human?"

Tessa - "And who are you-

The human gets cut mid sentence by your head tail hissing at her face.

(Y/N) - "Not your business, human."

You look at her in anger with the light from your visor reflecting on her helmet.

Tessa - "Well that's not nice. Also you have a disassembly drone arm and a tail... *cheerfully* it's like we have another disassembly drone with us! *muttering* that's.... great. *normally* And why does it have a head? It's kinda weird?"

(Y/N) - "Hey! Eddy is not, weird! *proudly* And she's a good girl."

Uzi looks at J in annoyance at her still being alive.

Uzi - "Getting real tired of killing this one."

J simply smug and replace her hair.

J - " Effective drones gets cloned more."

Hearing her comment you stopped staring at Tessa and looks at her instead, with a smirk on your face.

(Y/N) - "If you're so effective how did you die? Twice."

She turned her head in your direction with her eyes twitching in anger.

J - "You little- I only died because you're friend attacked me during my monolog!"

(Y/N) - "Yeah, cause you were stupid enough to monolog mid fight! Also thanks for the arm, pony tail. Without it I'll be dead ten times over. Guess you're not that useless after all."

Your sentences made J even more mad, enough that she turned one of her hand into a rifle and pointed it at you. You did the same in response.

J - "I swear if you-

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