Chapter 6: Spirit of the Nile

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As soon as Scott was in his and Jimmy's room for the night, Scott practically flopped onto the bed back first. "Finally," Scott sighed in relief.

"Tired of the sand?" Jimmy asked, placing his bag down near the bed.

"It's not very fun to sleep in," Scott replied, sitting up and looking out the window. Dusk was almost over, and Scott could already see the stars beginning to appear in the sky as the sun slowly lowered. By the time Scott laid back down, he could feel his eyelids growing heavy fast. He swore he wasn't that tired, but it seemed he was wrong. As Scott fell asleep, he could feel Jimmy sitting beside where he laid.

When Scott's eyes slowly opened again, he was once more greeted with the pure white sands of Ahm Shere. Scott slowly stood up, getting a good look around him. On a distant dune, Scott could see Setinef looking off into the distant. Scott made his way to the dune, seeing that Setinef was looking at a giant pillar of calcite. Just as it appeared Setinef would turn to face him, Scott heard someone calling out. He turned to see no one, then turned back to Setinef. Only to see his ancestor gone and in its place a book that looked similar to the Book of Amun-Ra and the Book of Amun-Dei, but white instead of gold or black.

Scott tried to get a better look, but he felt himself being pulled awake. "Scott," Jimmy said, shaking Scott's shoulder gently. Scott slowly stirred and sat up, noticing that it was now dawn.

"What's the plan?" Scott asked.

"Apparently the zephyr's engine is acting out," Jimmy started, "So apparently we're taking an alternative way to where that diary was point to."

"Oh? And what alternative form of transportation is that?" Scott asked. His question was soon answered when he and Jimmy met back up with the others.

Five elephants was the answer, each with special cloth on their backs so that human clothing didn't cause any rashes, as well as special saddles to travel with. While Rick and Evy shared an Elephant, as well as Jimmy and Scott sharing an elephant, Jonathan, Alex, and Imhotep each got their own. Imhotep had not been thrilled with riding one, but he was able to put up with it. Unlike Jonathan, who seemed to view the elephants like he viewed camels.

Unfortunately, the trip Elephant back was longer than Scott had hoped for, closing in on two full days, but eventually the sea separating Egypt from Europe came into view, and the group could switch from elephant to boat while traveling the Nile. They had reached port by dawn, and now it was a little over noon. "Is this thing even seaworthy?" Jonathan asked, closing in on hour six of being on the boat.

"Bit late for that," Jimmy said.

"It's a river, the worst we go through is a wayward whirlpool," Evy sighed.

Scott watched the waves go by, and noticed a large shape go by under the water's surface, "Huh, are we in Nile Crocodile territory yet?" Scott asked.

"I don't think so, why?" Evy asked.

Scott never got an answer out as a rumbling could be felt. Right behind the boat, a large column of water formed, taking on the form of a medium sized water serpent. "WHAT IS THAT?!" Jimmy shouted. The beast roared and lunged forward, it's beak like jaw slamming into the middle of the boat. It was nearly enough to snap the boat in half, and both Rick and Jonathan ended up falling into the water from the force.

The water serpent turned to where Rick surfaced and charged, jaw open and teeth bared. But just before the water serpent could bite Rick, a dark blue and white falcon swooped down, screeching as it landed a strike just above the serpent's eyes. Two more dark blue and white falcons also began to attack the water serpent, letting Rick climb back on board safely. The water serpent roared as the falcons attacked, only letting up once the group made it to land and abandoned the boat.

The water serpent gave chase, but stopped when it nearly beached itself. It hissed and snarled, but eventually sank below the waves, a mere dark shadow moving back into the river. "What was that thing?" Scott asked.

"One of Set's 'warriors'," Imhotep replied, "He would use them to bring destruction to whoever he saw fit. Someone must have used Set's staff to summon it."

"Amunphat," Alex huffed, "Who else? But who are they?" The three falcons moved away from the river and towards a group of Medjai nearby, one of which Scott realized was Ardeth.

Ardeth raced over on horseback, one of the falcons perched on his hand. "I had planned to meet you at Merneptah, but it seems our reunion must be early," Ardeth said, "Horus warned me about the spirit appearing."

"The bird?" Jonathan asked.

"The god," The falcon corrected, making Jonathan jump back a bit, "Those of us born with wings have started working with the last Medjai."

"We must move quickly," Ardeth said, and Buddy yapped a bit, "The staff of Set must either be delivered to Ahm Shere, or kept safe out of Amunphat's hands. We must also make quickly for Mernephat."

"Don't suppose you have spare horses?" Rick asked.

"No, but I can see to some being brought," Ardeth replied. Horus took to the air and flew off, most likely to alert the Medjai with the need for spare horses. Scott knew possibly two scrolls were at stake. If they didn't reach the temple before Amunphat, then stopping him would practically be impossible as Imhotep had not once said he remembered the words on the scroll.

Scott knew over three thousand years was more than enough time to forget what was written down. Then he remembered that dream a few nights ago and the calcite book. Why had someone made a book of calcite? And would it be possible to find? And if so, Scott wondered what was on the pages of said book. With how it looked identical to Amun-Ra and Amun-Dei in design, the book must be connected.

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