Chapter 13: The Shield of the Sun

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As Scott watched the two halves combine into a single orb, Scott knew he needed a plan, and fast. Then Scott remembered the Book of Thoth. Quickly, Scott pulled the book out and flipped through the pages. "The ritual site must be somewhere high, surrounded by water," Amunphat explained, "Once the sun strikes the orb, Aten's power shall be mine."

Scott kept flipping, until he got to one spell: The spell to summon a shadow to eclipse the sun, forcing the land into total darkness. That was the spell Scott needed to use. "Your highness!" Scott looked up to see Colin staring right at him. Time to go! Scott quickly closed the Book of Thoth and placed it into the travel bag, racing away as Amunphat rounded the corner. Scott could worry about the orb after he made an eclipse.

As Scott ran, Amunphat roared, changing into a large serpent made of sand. But Scott was an expert thief at this point. Scott easily out ran the giant serpent, and his silent steps meant Amunphat had to rely on sight alone. Scott ran through the employee exit, the guard from before looking on in confusion before fleeing from Amunphat.

"Scott!" Scott looked up to see Evy and Rick running towards him, with Evy looking worried, "What happened?"

"Amunphat got the other half first," Scott said, "But I have a way to stop him. Where is a high up place surrounded by water with full access to the sun?"

"That would be the statue of liberty. If he's heading there, we need to move fast," Rick said.

"I'll meet you there!" Scott said, grabbing his staff and racing ahead, "Head my call, Spirit of the Wind, for I am in need of your aid!"

The staff's ruby gem shined, and the Wind bird appeared. "Scott wait up!" Jimmy shouted, managing to catch up.

"Then hop on!" Scott shouted, jumping onto the back of the Wind bird. Jimmy looked horrified, but quickly hopped on and grabbed onto Scott. Scott hung on for dear life as the Wind bird flew into the air, quickly rising altitude, "Take us to the statue of liberty!" With the command, the Wind bird flew, and Scott could see the others racing for the docks. He didn't know if they would make it.

As soon as he saw the statue of liberty, he could already see Amunphat approaching the top with Colin, landing on the torch. "So what's the plan?!" Jimmy asked.

Scott pulled out the book of Thoth once more, flipping to the spell, "Hold onto me while I say the spell!" As soon as Scott could feel Jimmy's tight grip, he began. "Great Deity Thoth, God of Darkness and Wisdom, I call on you to bring a great shadow. Let the day plunge to night, let the light be swallowed by darkness, and let the mortal realm feel your might!" Swirls of shadow and darkness began to creep towards the sun, gathering into a circular shape. Darkness quickly overtook daylight as an eclipse was formed. Amunphat roared in anger. "Now we just need to get the orb!"

Jimmy reached into his pocket and pulled out his first aid kit as Scott placed the book of Thoth back into the travel bag. Taking aim, Jimmy threw it, landing a direct hit on Amunphat's head. The ex-mummy stumbled, and the Orb of Aten began to fall. "Now what?!"

"Dive! Dive! Dive!" Scott called, and the Wind Bird began to dive. Outstretching his hand, Scott grabbed the Orb of Aten in time for the eclipse to end. As sunlight shined onto the orb, it slowly changed it's shape into a large disk, the rays of light having hands on them. A handle formed on one side, and Scott realized what aspect of Ra Aten was. Aten was Ra's shield.

Taking grip on Aten, Scott commanded the Wind bird to fly up again. Amunphat roared in fury as Scott and Jimmy fled. "YES! TAKE THAT YOU OLD SACK OF MUD!" Jimmy scouted, causing Scott to laugh. As they approached the docks, the Wind bird began to slow down, carefully landing.

"That ended better than I thought it would," Scott said, hopping off and dismissing the Wind bird.

"I think I will prefer the plane or dirigible over an actual bird," Jimmy sighed in relief.

Scott noticed the others racing over, "Scott where's the orb?!" Rick asked.

"Well...turns out the orb was Aten after all," Scott said, moving Aten into proper view, "I guess it disguises itself as an orb when not in use."

"Well, you seem to be quite the collector," Mafdet teased, "No matter, Aten is safe, and that is important. That 'thing' doesn't need the power of a star on his side."

"So, where to now?" Jonathan asked.

"Well, I said I would help a friend of mine for a baseball game," Rick admitted.

"What is this baseball?" Mafdet asked.

"Oh, I'd think you like it with all the running it involves," Rick said, and while he explained what Baseball was, Scott and Jimmy moved near each other.

"So, it's getting to a point that you are collecting more artifacts than we can carry," Jimmy said.

"I know, and I would love a place to store them, but until we find the scroll of Osiris and get the manacle off Alex, I'll just have to carry some of it," Scott said.

"Some?" Jimmy questioned.

"Aten might be more useful to you than me," Scott said, "It could help keep you safe while firing shots."

"A shield and gun combo...that's new," Jimmy said as Scott gave Jimmy Aten. The sun shield was lighter than either thought, and Jimmy was able to move his arm easily while holding it, "Well, if you don't mind."

"It would give me a peace of mind actually," Scott smiled, "Besides, we're in this together. I'm not a one person army anymore, I got you by my side now."

"You know I should be the one worrying over you," Jimmy chuckled, kissing Scott.

"I'm allowed to worry as well," Scott replied. With all they had been through within less than a month, of course Scott was worried. He had been worried when the cultists brought him to Ahm Shere, and he had always been worried when Jimmy joined him on his adventures. But it was okay to worry. Because that meant there was true love between the two.

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