Chapter 20: Hidden Allies and Foes

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As soon as they returned to the forbidden city, the loong returned to the staff, the light dimming a bit. The zephyr was brought closer, as a total of eleven baby Jingshens had do be loaded on board. A quick stop to London wouldn't hurt anyone. "You have a powerful gift," Lin Chou said as he approached Scott, "An ally of our people. You and your spirit are welcomed back anytime you wish. I am certain the young emperor would be glad to see you again."

"Should I return to China, I will be sure to visit," Scott promised, giving a wave goodbye before boarding the Zephyr himself. As it began the long trip to London, Scott wondered just what the other spirits truly looked like. He hoped to find out soon, but he still wondered where the calcite pillar was from his dreams. He could worry about that later, for now he was going to rest.


When Scott's eyes opened, he quickly noticed that he was not where he normally would be. Ahm Shere was nowhere in sight, neither was Setinef. Instead, what greeted Scott was a great sandstorm, the sand red in color. "You have gotten in my way for a final time." Scott turned to face Amunphat, who stood towering over him in a veiled form.

Scott felt his face pale, and he attempted to back away, only for the red sand to trap his ankles in place. Pillars of red sandstone appeared, their tips sharpening. "You will fail! This is just a dream!" Scott shouted, but Amunphat just chuckled maliciously.

"You will never wake up, and that is all I need," Amunphat said, snapping his fingers.

The pillars shot forward, and Scott slammed his eyes closed as he braced for impact, only to feel nothing. Scott opened his eyes, only to see something he could only describe as a living galaxy. The object looked similar to a giant amoeba, its tendrils stretching into the sky and ground, with the nucleolus being so dark, it was as if light could not escape it. The insides, instead of having the parts of a cell, instead had stars shining within a sea of nebulous gasses. It was a mesmerizing sight, and it distracted Scott for a moment until he realized he couldn't see Amunphat anywhere. "Who are you....?" Scott asked.

The celestial amoeba did not answer, it seemed to just stay silent and still. That was, until a voice spoke softly into his head.

"Find me."


When Scott started to stir, he noticed a rag on his head. "Oh thank god," Jimmy sighed in relief, sitting beside Scott as he sat up.

"How long was I out for?" Scott asked, taking the rag off his head.

"Only a day, and I almost took you to the hospital," Jimmy replied, "We're in Ireland, there might be a scroll here."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Scott said, attempting to stand.

"Oh no you don't! You being knocked out for a whole day is a clear way of your body telling you that it needs rest," Jimmy said, "Besides, the O'Connell's have already left, they should be back soon."

"Normally I would agree, but after that dream I had I'm not willing to take a chance," Scott said.

"Dream? What dream?"

"Amunphat tried to trap me into a permeant sleep, but this weird amoeba saved me," Scott said, holding back a chuckle at Jimmy's confused face, "Believe me, I would have thought it wasn't real either if I didn't experience it. My point is that Amunphat was close enough to do something like that, which means they need all the help they can get."

Scott's ankle felt better enough for him to walk on, and he hurried off the Zephyr. Just in time as the Staff of Set began to glow again. The red part of the crystal shined, and two embers flew off, taking the form of two very odd looking canines stood. Their fur was jet black, and they wore head crests similar to the ones depicted on Aztec murals. On said head crests were six feather like attachments, appearing more so as a gill like structure than a feather however. It didn't take long for Scott to realize what he was looking at: two fire spirits that looked like Xolotl, the Aztec god of fire and lightning, and guide for the dead.

"Oh what?! That's twice now, they don't look like they belong in Egypt," Jimmy said, cautiously approaching them.

"Glad I'm not the only one noticing a pattern," Scott said, and he noticed how large they were, practically as big as a horse. Which gave Scott an idea, "Hop on one, we might be able to catch up!"

"What?! Scott there is no way!" Jimmy started as Scott climbed onto one of the Xolotl lookalike's back, "What if they decide they don't want to carry us?!"

"They won't since I'm the one wielding the staff," Scott replied, trying to reassure Jimmy. Despite his hesitancy, Jimmy sighed and hopped onto the other Xolotl lookalike. "Follow the O'Connells," Scott commanded, and the two fire spirits raced off.

As they ran, howling could be heard before a pack of wolves began to chase after them. Scott and Jimmy hung on as the Xolotl lookalikes turned their heads slightly, growling at the pack following them before picking up in speed. In the distance, a mangled howl could me heard, causing the pack of wolves to pause long enough for the Xolotl lookalikes to leave them in the dust. An old building soon came into view. "There! That has to be the place they mentioned!" Jimmy said, and Scott lead the way.

Just in time to see a familiar ex-mummy be thrown out like a ragdoll, and a brown werewolf exiting, snarling at Amunphat. Amunphat transformed into his sand bird form, ready to tear the werewolf apart, until a blast of fire and lightning made Amunphat's sand bird form shriek in pain. The Xolotl lookalikes charged forward, spewing flames and lightning to push Amunphat back. The ex-mummy had no choice but to flee, as the sand that made up his form was beginning to harden into glass. The brown werewolf took off, and Scott and Jimmy looked at one another in confusion. "So...werewolves are real huh?" Jimmy asked.

"I guess so..." Scott hummed, looking on in the direction of where the werewolf ran off to.

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