Chapter 22: The True Spirits of Earth and Wind

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What stood before them was what appeared to be a giant bee, being green instead of yellow. The stinger and mandibles were replaced with brown crystal like structures, with the legs having a wooden exoskeleton instead of the normal chitin. Scott was a bit surprised, and Imhotep backed away a bit. "Take these, forge them into a book, but leave room for the rest of the scrolls," Scott stated as he pulled out the scrolls of Waset already collected.

The earth spirit turned to the pillar, its wings opening and lifting it into the air. Its forelimbs rose, and the calcite pillar began to crumble away, the large crystal shattering into smaller pieces before flowing to the calcite slabs being forged. While the earth spirit worked on the new book, Scott leaned on one of the Xolotl lookalikes. "I don't understand why Setinef wants me to convert the scrolls into a since book," Scott hummed, "Shouldn't it be safer to keep them as separate scrolls?"

"Unless he knows something we do not," Imhotep answered, "Perhaps the scrolls are soon to meet their demise."

"I hope not," Scott frowned, "If the scrolls are destroyed before we fix the spell, then we might never get another chance." Scott paused when the Earth Spirit approach, presenting the calcite book to Scott. It had the same lock as the Book of Amun-Ra and the Book of Amun-Dei. "Thank you." The Earth Spirit bowed, then returned to the staff.

"Right, let's leave before this sand starts to suck up the water in out bodies," Jimmy said, dumping some of the gypsum sand out of his left boot. Then, a great light shined in the sky, and a visage of the Eiffel tower appeared. "...What?"

"I have no idea, let's go look," Scott said as he got back onto the Xolotl lookalike. The trip rode out quickly, catching sight of the O'Connells after an hour of riding. Amunphat approached in his sand bird form, ready to swoop down and grab Alex and Buddy before the Xolotl lookalike Scott was riding spewed out a stream of flames, directly hitting Amunphat in the chest.

Several statues of Baharia had been animated, and Scott took that is his cue, summoning the wind spirit. As the green crystal began to shine, the Wind Bird had returned, but this time no tornado was hiding its true form. It was a bit larger, with bigger wings. Scott hopped off and onto the Wind Spirit, helping Jimmy and Imhotep up. Scott swore his eardrums nearly shattered when the Wind Spirit's wings flapped, sounding like the thunder that came from a lightning strike. Thankfully the first flap was the only one with the sound, but Scott noticed how the bird's eyes sparked with lightning. Scott's gut had been right, the wind spirit was a Thunderbird.

"Good to know," Scott mumbled to himself as he gave the Thunderbird a few gentle pats on the head. Gaia and the people of the Americas had also given gifts to Set. All four had been revealed, and Scott was more than happy to have them as strong allies.

"Well timing Scott!" Ardeth called.

"The rest of the scrolls might be in Paris, that's where we are heading once we drop Simon off," Rick explained.

"Who?" Scott asked, then turned to see a boy Alex's age looking nervous, "I can guess the story."

Thankfully, it didn't take long to drop Simon off. And with the rest of the scrolls in reach, Imhotep had decided to continue tagging along just in case. The trip to Paris was long, as Scott and Jimmy had learned that the Zephyr had been destroyed. A shame as Scott liked the airship, and that his scarabs' tank was inside. But his scarabs were safe in their pouch.

Once they landed in Paris, the Earth Spirit reappeared, as if it too had sensed the scrolls. The Thunderbird stayed perched on the railing, while Scott handed the calcite book over to the Earth Spirit, "Stay close, alright?" Scott said, and the Earth Spirit gave a nod of confirmation.

"Hopefully they find the location," Jimmy said with a bit of worry.

"If Amunphat shows up, we must be ready to keep him busy until Osiris's scroll has been found," Imhotep stated.

"The other spirits can help with that," Scott replied, then saw the O'Connells exit the elevator, "Any good news?"

"We're going to the catacombs just underneath the Paris Opera House," Evy said, and Scott frowned.

"Oh not again..." Scott mumbled, "Hopefully it won't be too much of a maze." The Thunderbird returned to the staff, leaving just the Earth Spirit, who followed closely behind to the car. A couple minute drive was all it took, and as soon as they got out, the boards blocking the entrance were easy to pry away.

They slowly headed down, with Rick and Ardeth leading the way through. The Earth Spirit held the book close with two of its lower arms, using its upper arms to form a crystal that better lit the surrounding area. So far, things had gone well until they reached a pit of skulls. Scott figured he could make the jump, until a roar was heard and the group turned to face a bluish-green minotaur.

Despite their efforts, the Minotaur easily outmatched them, grabbing Evy and jumping across the pit after throwing Jimmy against Rick, Jonathan, Imhotep, Ardeth, and Alex. Buddy tried to bite at the Minotaur, but he wasn't fast enough. "Mom!!" Alex shouted.

Scott knew he couldn't let Evy be alone with the beast. Making a leap of faith, Scott leapt over the gap and to the other side, only to grip the edge with his arms. "Scott no!! SCOTT!" Jimmy shouted.

Scott felt his grip loosen until the Earth Spirit flew over, using its upper arms to pull Scott up. "Keep going! We'll catch up!!" Rick shouted, and both Scott and the Earth Spirit gave chase.

It didn't take long for Scott and the Earth Spirit to make it, barely making it into what looked like a makeshift living room. "Scott!" Evy gasped as Scott ran over.

"Back away!" Scott snapped, the Earth Spirit cowering back behind him, "If you hurt her I swear-!"

"You..." The Minotaur started, "You sound like Setinef."

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