𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞_𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 [𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐟𝐟!]

906 44 16



Trigger and Uzi rushed through the barren landscape as fast as their, or rather Trigger's, legs could carry them. He held the shorter Worker Drone tightly in his arms while he used his longer, stronger legs and his even longer tendrils to keep propelling himself forward as fast as he physically could. He was fast as fuck, boy! But he was not fast enough. 

An object moving at nearly the speed of sound crashed into the ground right in front of the two escaping besties, stopping Trigger dead in his tracks. It was N, and this time, she didn't seem to be up for chatting. Her once friendly golden eyes were replaced by the ominous X every other Disassembly Drone seemed to possess, maybe it was a gimmick or a fear tactic, regardless, it made it easy to identify when they were actually in "hunting mode".

Trigger, thinking quickly, wrapped Uzi in his two tendrils before quickly spinning in place and throwing Uzi over N. The Worker Drone would've smacked into the ground hard were it not for the power of Robo-God and anime on her side, giving her the ability to do a flip and land on her boots. She immediately whipped out her super badass railgun, only for it to display the text "RECHARGING, bite me, bozo."

"Ugh!" she would've smashed it against the ground if she didn't love it so much, "Trigger!"

The male was busy dodging N's vicious strikes, who was using both one of her claws and a sword at the same time, "What are you standing around for?! RUN!"


"I'll be fine! GO!" he called out one last time before fully focusing on the combat he was currently stuck in.

Uzi hesitated but eventually mustered the strength to turn tail and run away. She still hated doing it though, leaving a friend behind like that made guilt rise up inside of her. But what could she possibly do to help in this situation? She was just a Worker Drone, a squishy little thing, as Trigger previously put it. She wasn't built for combat! 

N appeared to have actually learned from their previous encounter and actively fought back whenever Trigger tried to stun-lock her with his tendrils. She hacked and slashed as fast as her arms could move, even using her nanite acid-filled tail for aid. But Trigger still had the advantage. While he lacked any ranged weapons, his physical prowess made up for that gap. He was bulletproof, as N quickly found out after trying to shoot him with a submachine gun that formed after she transformed her sword. 

Still trying to keep her distance, N fired a fucking heat-seeking missile at him! But, Trigger fucking tanked that shit like a juggernaut, slammed his tendrils into the ground, jumped up, and used those very same tendrils as a bungee cord to smash his heels into N's chest and stomach.

The female Disassembly Drone harshly slammed into the ground and suffered several internal injuries, but she managed to just heal most of them by the time Trigger tried slashing at her. She blocked both of his claws with claws of her own, having transformed her hands in the time it took Trigger to continue his combo. She tried stabbing him several times across his body, which did get a pained reaction out of him, but the nanite acid barely seemed to do anything, if it even did something at all. 

【𝐌𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐓】Where stories live. Discover now