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The freezing gale of the constant blizzard raged across Copper-9, as it did on any other day, for the last... decade or two. Yeah, the weather didn't change much, or at all, it's mostly just a blizzard or nothing at all, but sometimes it's even a big-ass tornado! This planet really is just like Florida but set in an eternal winter.

"Ugh! I'm sweaty! Who programmed that?!" Uzi's irritated, slightly strained voice cut through the storm.

N, being her usual wholesome self wondered if that was even safe, since robots, especially Worker Drones, are not exactly built to insulate the water from their circuits, "You good, Uzi?"

"I'm good. I'm better than good!" Uzi moved N's head away from her personal space before thrusting her arms upwards, "I am God!"

Trigger immediately smacked the girl on her head, "Nuh-uh! Also, I thought you had iPhone-level waterproofing, how are you sweating? ...What are you sweating?"

Uzi smacked Trigger in the leg in retaliation before huffing and crossing her arms, "None of your business."

Trigger put his hands up in mock surrender, "Alright then, keep your secrets."

The sound of another pair of footsteps brought their attention elsewhere, away from the cute cringe coming from Uzi's voice box. It was a Worker Drone, Uzi's friend by the looks of it. He looked like the stereotypical but modern jock, even had the backwards cap on. He carried Uzi's badass railgun with some trouble, poor guy probably had no idea how to even hold the damn thing without it misfiring on accident. 

Uzi shuffled awkwardly, hoping the guy didn't hear or see her just make a complete idiot out of herself, "Uh-hehe, hi, Thad!"

"Hey Uzi," he greeted back casually, handing the glowing green weapon to Uzi.

Uzi gave Trigger and N a thumbs up, something that the wholesome Murder Drone returned immediately with a happy smile, Trigger did too, albeit in a more "sophisticated" manner. Thad was just happy to not hold the lite version of BFG 9000 in his poor little Worker Drone hands anymore.

"Thanks," Uzi thanked the male Worker Drone while strapping the beauty of a gun to her back.

"Of course, 'Zi!" classic jock behaviour, not the bad kind, just a breath of fresh air, Thad then gave N and Trigger the 'finger guns', "N&M's, Purple Guy."

"Heh," Trigger chuckled lightly at that nickname before fist-bumping Thad, "I am the man behind the slaughter."

Everyone decided to collectively ignore Trigger's love for references, instead, Thad got the conversation back on track by focusing on Uzi, "Of course! You guys saved my life! I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff, more just confused. Especially with the fact-"

But Uzi jumped in before Thad could finish talking, once again fully embracing her inner edgelord, "The fact that I'm too rogue to re-enter society now?! I can never return..."

Thad did not care, he just continued talking, "The recent disappearances? And your murder friend's corpse? When I went to grab your gun, it kind of looked like it... crawled away?"

【𝐌𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐓】Where stories live. Discover now