𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞_𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 [𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦]

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Things have been rather... awkward to say the least. Not for Trigger, not by a longshot, but when it came to their newly established and quickly demolished group dynamic... yeah, the atmosphere was far from stellar. Uzi was fairly shaken by the recent incursion of WhateverTheFuckThatThingWas™ and decided that trusting N and her other fellow Murder Drone is not a good idea... mostly. N has mostly vanished from the sights of the colony, staying cooped up in the landing pod she and her team arrived on Copper-9 with. V didn't really have a choice in the matter, still being "chained" by, well, chains to that chair. Honestly, Trigger believed that she was still there just to mess with them, or to catch them by surprise when she inevitably frees herself. Regardless, that was hardly a problem he cared about now.

While Uzi pretty much abolished all contact with the Murder Drones, Trigger did not. He often just waddled away to their creepy as fuck spire to say hello and see what's up. N wasn't exactly pleased with herself at the moment, clearly depressed over her seeming loss of a friend. V didn't look like she gave a flying fuck and Trigger... Trigger was just being himself. He barely looked affected by the recent events.

Uzi didn't even attempt to understand how Trigger was so indifferent to everything, considering the man himself is a walking enigma anyway with a literal voice in his head. The man was getting along with seemingly everyone, and that may have irked Uzi a little. She wasn't jealous of the admittedly creepy as fuck—if a little attractive—random guy she met not too long ago who already had more friends than she did. In her own colony. No sir! Not at all...

He could've stayed away from the sexual innuendos though, that irked her the most. 

It was no secret that Trigger, despite his somewhat humane appearance and unknown origins, was trying to be something of a playboy. Uzi believed that wasn't working out for him for a variety of reasons. The main one, and also the most infuriating, was probably because he was still friends with her. 

But enough about the depressed goth chick, it was time... to party!

Yup. Trigger was STILL going to attend Thad's party, as per his invitation. Uzi wasn't, she was wallowing in pity and guilt and fear. The man himself, still looking like a walking, talking, cyberpunk edgelord, was already there with Thad before anyone arrived. The party was at Thad's surprisingly spacious room. Well, "spacious", the guy was so popular he managed to convince WDF to tear down the wall to the unit next to his, effectively doubling the size of the room he and his family had access to. 

"So, any preference?" came the voice of the much taller male as he and Thad finished setting up the sound, having hooked the speakers directly to Trigger so he could DJ properly via Bluetooth. 

"Something... funky~ And energetic, but also add some slow stuff, and maybe a bit of techno?" the male Worker Drone rambled on for a little while.

Trigger just blinked, "So... generic party playlist?"

The cool Worker Drone just pointed finger-guns at Trigger, "You know me so well despite us having met each other like, a week ago... I think..."

"So, how many people are coming over?" asked Trigger, sort of oblivious to the fact that Thad probably invited the whole colony over to party.

"Uh, no clue, but almost everyone from my class is coming over. Except for Uzi, said she wasn't feeling well. Anything on that?" the male Worker Drone appeared to at least have the decency to care, because he was just that cool.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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