Chapter 1

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This is my first fan fiction. It's about Klaus and Caroline from The Vampire Diaries. Please leave a comment and a suggestion on what you think my next story should be about. Thank you! I hope you like it :)

I woke up and turned to face Tyler. Nothing. Of course he wouldn't be in my bed, he cheated on me with the 'oh so pretty' Hayley. I know, I know, it was a month ago, I should get over it, and I am over it. Well, I guess I'm still a little bit mad at Tyler, but I have a right to be. He slept with HAYLEY, honestly, out of all people, Hayley. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but I trusted him and the feeling of betrayal is awful. You know what? In a situation like this, any rational girl would date someone else. That's what I should do, I should date other people; it would get my mind off them. But who? Well, I guess Klaus likes me... haha, I'm still not THAT desperate.

I sighed and got up to go to the bathroom and I got changed. I drank a bloodbag before heading out of the house to get some fresh air. I walked along, wondering and listening to music on my iPod. Crap. I looked across the park and saw Klaus. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I had been avoiding him ever since the 'Tyler incident' because the last thing I wanted to hear was 'I told you so'. I pulled out my earphones as he walked towards me. Oh God, what does he want?

"Hello, Caroline." He said as he was still walking towards me.

"Hello, Klaus." I replied, wanting to get away as soon as possible. I guess Klaus is okay at times, but he always does something to ruin the moment. Always.

"Don't worry; I'm not here to flirt with you." He said with a normal expression, which had a cheeky side to it, but then a sort of sadness came over him. I gave him a confused face and tilted my head to the side, trying to catch his glare.

"I heard about Tyler and Hayley─" I cut him off, furiously. Was he just here to gloat?

"Ok, Klaus. I know that you're just dying of happiness right now and I don't know what exactly it is that you've heard, but I'm just going to set the record straight." Now he looked confused and tried to talk, but I cut him off again.

"NO! Just listen to me!" I snapped. He kept quiet like a little child and did as he was told. "Yes, I am no longer with Tyler because he cheated on me with Hayley. And yes, I am angry at him, but that doesn't give you the right to just march here and tell me about how you were right and I was wrong!" I was so irritated by him and his ego. But then he gave me a look as if to ask me if he could speak. I nodded, accepting, and he carried on talking.

"Caroline, love. I wasn't going to say anything along those lines. In fact, I came here to comfort you." I paused and stared into his blue-green eyes. "You don't deserve to be treated like that, like dirt. Caroline, you're amazing, and no one should take you as anything else." He cautiously put his hands on my shoulders to support me. I followed his hands with my eyes and then I looked back up at him, not knowing what to say or do. "If Tyler thinks that he can just walk all over you, he's got another thing coming. Don't miss him or want him back, and I'm not saying that for my sake, I'm saying it for yours. He doesn't deserve you if he thinks it is okay to be like that. What he did was wrong, repulsive. I am disgusted by his behaviour. Don't sink to his level, you're so much better than that, Caroline. You're you."

For a second, I looked at him as I felt like I was in a trance. He was so sincere and caring in that moment, something I didn't think was possible. God. Maybe it's wrong to say this, but he looked gorgeous. Klaus, the mass murderer who was psychotic was gorgeous? No, I can't think like this, it's wrong. I noticed that we were both silent and the moment was getting a bit too close, so I broke it up by clearing my throat. Klaus removed his hands from my shoulders and looked away, as if in embarrassment.

"Thank you, Klaus. It really means a lot. I'll catch up with you later, but I'm sorry, I really need to go right now. I'm going to Bonnie's house. She and Elena are there, we're having a party. Bye" I lied through the skin of my teeth. I didn't know where they were, and there was certainly no party.

"No problem. Goodbye Caroline." And with that, he was gone. He walked off into the distance as I watched him. Oh Klaus. No, I had to stop thinking like that! I realised that there was nothing better for me to do, so I went to Bonnie's house, in hope that there would be some kind of gathering, even if it wasn't a party. I set off in the opposite direction, on the beautiful summer day, dazed about what had just happened.

I'll upload the next chapter when I can. Remember to leave a comment and vote! Thank you :)

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