Chapter 4

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"Hello, wait, Caroline? Is that you? Are you okay, love?" Klaus' voice said. A surge of happiness suddenly came over me. What was this feeling? Did I miss him? No, just no. I had to act quickly, Bonnie was dying. There was no time so I just got straight to the point.

"Yes, it's me. Look, I need your help, and fast." I then explained everything and told him to hurry. Within thirty seconds, the doorbell rang.

I ran to open the door. Klaus stood, searching for Bonnie. "Come in." said Bonnie with what little breath she had left. Klaus walked in and stood over her. He then moved her hair from her shoulder and revealed the wound. It was as if Hayley had completely ripped a chunk of flesh off. It almost made me nauseous.

"Now that's a nasty bite. Hayley did this to you? Wow, I didn't think she had it in her." I gave him a snappy look and he kept quiet. "Correct me if I'm wrong, you tried to give her your blood?" He gestured towards Stefan, who nodded. "Well, she is a supernatural being so it would make sense for my blood, and my blood only to work, but then again, I haven't really had to treat any injured witches before." He explained. 

All of a sudden, Elena started crying, loudly. Maybe the alcohol wasn’t such a good idea."Please Klaus, I'm begging you, help her! We love her; you can't let her die, please!" Klaus tried to intervene as Elena was yelling but she didn't allow him to. "She's a good person, please Klaus!" She got down on her knees as she was hysterically crying. He looked at her in utter bewilderment; he looked like he had no idea what she was saying or doing, but to be honest, none of us did.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Elena. Calm down, I was going to help her before you started pleading. It's unnecessary; look, it's okay, Elena, don't worry, I'll save her. Okay?" He looked at Elena and spoke to her, cooling her down.

"What do you want, Klaus? What do you want in return?" She was starting to get annoyed. "You always want something, so what is it, huh? Make one of us your slaves, like you did to Stefan? What do you want, Klaus?!" She yelled. Stefan looked at Elena as if to tell her off for bringing up past events of his ‘ripper days’.

"Nothing, calm down. I don't want anything, please, relax." He turned around to face Bonnie, as Elena watched him, angrily. Bonnie looked spellbound but he gave her a comforting look. He then bit into his wrist, lifted her up, sat on the sofa, and rested her down onto his lap as he fed her his blood. She squirmed around in disgust but he kept her still.

A minute or so later, he laid her down and stood up. I gazed at him, hoping he wouldn't notice. Luckily, he didn't. Klaus, the Klaus that we all loved to hate, was being nice. But why? He was never like this before, or was he? I never used to pay attention to him, but now, now it's different. He started to walk towards me, I had no choice but to snap myself out of whatever it was I was doing.

"Is there anything else, love?" He asked, acting as if nothing happened. 

"Um, no, no there isn't." He smiled and started walking towards the door. I grabbed him by the arm and he turned around before I quickly let go of his arm. "There is one more thing. I wanted to thank you. Honestly, thank you, Klaus. What you did was selfless, amazing, humane. You can try to convince me that you're pure evil, but the Klaus I just saw, wasn't." Despite being drunk, I seemed to be able to remember some terms. He looked at me with understanding and gave a smile, a smile that made me smile internally. 

"Anytime, Caroline. Goodnight." He walked towards Bonnie, checked her shoulder and smiled, wished her and everyone else a 'goodnight' and went home. I ran towards Bonnie, checking her shoulder as I saw everyone else was stunned. The wound was going down by the second. How was it going down? Of course it would take longer as she wasn't a vampire, but it was, indeed, going down.

We stood in amazement. "I feel better... Oh my God, I can talk! Guys, I'm okay!" Bonnie cried. We were all so relieved, but I couldn’t let go of the fact that Bonnie being able to talk, meant one thing, she was now well enough to tell us the whole story.

"Bonnie, spill. What the hell happened with Hayley?" I asked, not caring about being reserved.

Everyone looked at her as she started - "Well..."

Thank you again. Next Chapter will be up tomorrow. I hope you liked this one :)

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