Chapter 12

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I arrived at the Salvatore mansion. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, an enthusiastic Elena opened the door, grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the house.

"Hey Care." said Bonnie. I looked at her in panic; she nodded and mouthed 'it's okay'.

"So, Caroline! What's up? I thought that we could have another movie marathon, but with Bonnie as well... oh, and minus the alcohol. That was a BAD idea last time." Elena laughed.

"Um, yeah, that sounds good, Elena," I said before Bonnie nudged me. I cleared my throat. "Elena, there's something I need to tell you." 

"Okay, well go ahead!" Maybe she'd take it as well as Bonnie did. You never know.

"Well, there is a certain someone, who I like..." I said.

"When she says like, she means love." Bonnie corrected. I looked over at her in annoyance.

"Fine, I love this guy, and I'm meant to tell him today. I thought you should know, seeing as you're my best friend."

"Okay, so let me get this straight, you're in love with someone, they don't know, and you're going to tell them today?" Elena said.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay, well who is it?" I looked at her and tried to get the name out, but I was terrified. She looked at me with questioning eyes. I just had to tell her, she needed to know.

"...Klaus." I said, waiting for her reaction, but she didn't do anything. A minute of awkward silence passed, before she talked.

"Get out, right now." She said.

"Wait, what?" I asked. Oh boy, I knew this would happen.

"You heard what I said. Get out."

"But, I thought you would be fine with it." I stated.

"Are you insane? He tried to kill me, and everyone else. How can you like him, Care? He's a murderer! You're crazy."

"Please, just listen to me, Elena." I pleaded.

"Listen to what? You're 'in love' with Klaus. That's all there is to it. You don't get it, Caroline, I HATE Klaus, and now, my best friend's in love with him?"

"It's not like that, Elena."

"I don't care, Caroline. You pick, him, or me. I'm done talking. Leave."

"Elena, please, just let me explain."

"You have ten seconds." Way to pressure me.

"I didn't used to like him, it's been recent. You saw how he saved Bonnie, and asked for nothing in return. He's changing, Elena, and I want to help him. I can’t help the fact that I'm in love with hi─"

"Time's up." She said. "Now, go."

"Okay, Elena," Bonnie interrupted. "Will you just stop being so stuck up? She loves him; you should be congratulating her for finally finding someone who's good for her, after what Tyler did." 

"Tyler is twenty times better than Klaus, regardless of what he has done. And you're just as bad as her; you're making her believe that what she's doing is right. Both of you get out." Tears filled my eyes. "GET OUT!" she screamed. Bonnie got up, in disappointment, and pulled me out of the house, as I began to break down.

"She hates me! My best friend hates me!" I screamed.

"It's okay, Caroline, she'll come around. Just forget about her, focus on what you're doing tonight. You have to tell him. Don't let Elena get in the way of that."

"Bonnie, if I'm with Klaus, I'll lose Elena, and if I stay with Elena, I lose Klaus. I lose both ways."

"Look at me, Caroline." I turned to face her.

"I'm still here. She'll get over it; don't let her ruin your life. At least she knows you still care about her, but Klaus doesn't. You need to tell him, forget about her. Hey," I looked up at her. "Forget about her, Care."

I had to do this. I had to tell Klaus. If Elena can't accept that I love him, it's her problem. I love Klaus, and he needs to know. If I don't tell him, he'll find out anyway. It has to come from me. Maybe I just need to let Elena go; maybe this is how it's meant to be. These are the consequences for being so stupid and falling for him. I had to stop crying, and deal with it. I was too weak, I needed to tell him.

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