Chapter 3

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"It's okay." I said, trying to ease the panic. "She's a witch. A werewolf bite is only lethal to vampires. All we have to do is feed her our blood and she'll be fine." I explained.

"I thought the same thing. I fed her some of my blood when I found her in the woods. I went out to feed, and she was there, screaming in pain." Stefan said. Thank God, she would be okay.

"Okay. It's okay, Bonnie.” She paused. “But, wait, did you see who it was that bit you?" asked Elena. We all turned around faced Bonnie. She said one word, breathless. One word that made my blood boil with rage.


"What?! Are you kidding me? Urgh! I'm going to kill that bitch!" I yelled, as Stefan held me back. "Get off of me! That little werewolf slut has lost her mind!" 

"Caroline, stop it! Don't do anything you'll regret!" Stefan said, trying to calm me down. His efforts were useless.

"I killed twelve people in one go, I have no problem killing another one!" I yelled. We were shouting at each other, back and forth, and back and forth as I was trying to get out of his grip.

"Enough!" Elena shouted. "Look, we get it, you hate her, and you're drunk, so you want to kill her. How is that going to help anything? Bonnie is here, injured, and you two are yelling at each other? Come on, help her, you can't just let her sit here in pain! Quit it!"

The room was silent. Elena had actually made a comment indicating she cared. It was working. Her humanity was slowly, but surely, coming back. She put her hand over her mouth as she realised what was happening and looked at Stefan, then me, then Bonnie. Bonnie attempted to sit up, but failed. She looked at Elena and Elena smiled but Bonnie's weakened look didn't go unnoticed.

"Bonnie, are you okay?" I asked, as Stefan let go of me. "Are you getting any better?" Bonnie simply looked into my eyes and said nothing. A still expression was on her face. After a few seconds, she made an attempt to slightly shake her head. Oh God.

"W-wait. I-I don't understand. I fed you my blood, you should be getting better." He was struggling to find words. He looked over at me. "Caroline, you've been bitten before, right?” I nodded. “After you drank Klaus' blood, how long did it take for you to heal?" He asked, trying to make a connection.

"I don't know, but at most, 10 minutes." Stefan was still. He looked at me, apprehensive. "Stefan? Stefan. Stefan, talk to me! How long has it been since you fed her your blood?" I screamed.

He unfroze, taking a few seconds and looked down at Bonnie. "Over an hour."

"Oh my God. Oh my God! What the hell, what? I-I don't understand. Why hasn't she healed? She's not a vampire, she should be okay!" I too, was now stumbling for words. Elena had been silent this entire time.

"What if it's not just vampires? What if it's all supernatural beings? Think about it. Why else would this not work?" Elena said in a low voice. We all looked at her, understanding what she meant.

"I know what to do." I stated. They all knew too. "I need to call Klaus."

I'm sorry it's a short chapter, and I'm sorry that it took so long. I had to figure out what happened to witches when they were bitten by werewolves. I eventually had to make something up to go along with the story line. Thank you for reading! Next chapter will be up soon.

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