Chapter 7

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Klaus looked at me and put his hand on my cheek. I smiled and closed my eyes, knowing what was about to happen. He leaned in and lingered for a few seconds, still holding my face in his hands. I leaned in too; we were millimetres away from each other. He whispered the words 'I love you' as I felt happiness, and our lips crashed into each oth─

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! My alarm roared at me. I woke up, startled, looking around. Klaus? Where was he? Oh of course, it was a dream. What else did I expect? I didn't really know what to think about it. I was kind of... upset. I wanted it to be real, but I guess it's just the hangover effect, I'm not thinking straight. Oh well, I have to get ready for the day ahead. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair and makeup before going downstairs to get a cup of coffee, for the hangover. Before I had the chance to finish my coffee, my phone rang. I picked it up to see the name 'Elena' on the screen. I answered it and heard her dreary voice.

"Salvatore house, now. We need to talk tactics." was all she said before shutting the phone. I got dressed and headed out of the house.

I arrived at the mansion and was greeted by a hung-over Elena. "Hey, Care." she said, in a dull voice.

"Hi. What's wrong?" I asked. Elena pointed to the living room as I followed.

"That won't work, Stefan. He was able to control my mind; we have to have a better plan than that." I looked over to see the gorgeous Klaus. It was a bit awkward now; all I could do was picture him kissing me.

"What's going on?" I asked Damon, quietly, not interrupting the argument. He was in the corner of the room, next to me.

"They're talking about taking Silas down. I honestly don't care, as long as he doesn't bother me, I'm fine!" but then again, Damon never was one to care.

"Look, I understand what you're saying, but he's a lot more powerful than that, we'll have to think of something else." Klaus said.

"Like What?" Stefan argued. They were going on and on. Stefan would state an idea, and Klaus would tell him that Silas was too clever to fall for it. Eventually, I got really bored, so Elena, Bonnie and I went to Damon and Elena's room. We stayed there, talking, until Stefan and Klaus agreed to disagree. Damon called us down.

"It's okay, guys. Dumb and dumber are done talking." Such a Damon thing to say. We went downstairs as everyone departed. Stefan went to his room, Elena and Damon went to their room and Bonnie was heading home, as she was still injured and needed some rest, leaving me, alone with Klaus. Oh God, oh God, say something, do something, Caroline. Get away!

"Hello, Caroline." He said. He had me hooked from the very first word.

"H-hello, Klaus." I mumbled, like a little child.

"So, you haven't killed anyone, have you?"

"No, no, I haven't killed Hayley." I knew exactly what he meant by 'anyone'.

"Good, good. You know, I've noticed something different about you today." NO, NO, NO. "You look... occupied."

"R-really?" Stop stuttering, you're making it obvious!

"You do know that if anything is bothering you, you can come to me, right? I mean, I know I'm not the most comforting person, but I can help."

"Um, thanks. But I'm okay, Klaus." Sure, Caroline, whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh God, sleeping, dreaming, Klaus. I had to say something or do something before anything else happened. "Look, Klaus. I’m NOT interested in you, okay?” Okay, sure, why don’t you just lie your way to success? “I’m just not, okay? It was nice talking to you, but I have to go." You can always count on me feeling awkward and running away when things get a little bit carried away.

"Um, Okay? Have fun, Caroline, I guess." No, I had left Klaus shamed and confused. I didn’t want to, but I’d rather have that than him knowing the truth.

And with that, I had left. When I was outside, I saw Bonnie getting into her car.

"Hey, Caroline. I'm going home; do you want to come with me?” She paused, looked me up and down and then continued. “Hey, you look as if something's on your mind. Are you okay?" Was it really that obvious? Oh well, you can't always win.

"Um, yeah actually, there is something I REALLY want to get off my chest."

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Hop in." She said and we drove off to her house. Now was the time to fess everything up to Bonnie Bennett.

Sorry I didn't upload two chapters today :/ Thanks for reading. A new chapter will be up tomorrow :)

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