Chapter 9

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Bonnie and I arrived at Klaus' house. I started feeling nauseous, and I wanted to turn back.

"Don't even think about it, Caroline. You are doing this. Stop chickening out!"

"What if it's not the right time? I'm too scared, Bonnie, I can't. I'm sorry."

"No, you are NOT backing out, do you understand me? I don't care how scared you are, you are doing it." I started hyperventilating. "Okay, calm down." She put her hands on my shoulders. "Just think about what will happen after you tell him─" 

"Tell him what?" I turned around so quickly, it made me dizzy. No, no, no. Klaus stood there, watching us. Damn it! Now what? I had to think fast.

"Um, we figured out a plan... for killing Silas." Phew, I just about saved myself, but now I had to actually make a plan up. I really didn’t think this through. I didn't bother looking at Bonnie because I knew she'd give me the death stare.

"Oh, well come in."  I was surprised Klaus was acting normal. Just this morning, I had yelled at him implying that he was trying to flirt with me, when he wasn’t. We both stepped inside as Bonnie hit me.

"What the hell are you doing, Care?" She whispered.

"I don't know!" I whispered back, snapping.

"So, what's the plan?" Klaus questioned.

"Well," I started, sitting down. Oh boy, this is going to be fun."We could, um, distract him, somehow, and then have the Salvatores hold his arms down and then, um, Elijah and Rebekah could, um, snap his neck. And that might not kill him, so we just stab him to death." Klaus looked at me and was holding back his laughter. I gave him an awkward smile. Bonnie face-palmed and said nothing.

"Um, that's a... good idea, don't get me wrong, but I'm concerned as to whether it would work or not. But, we can work on it. Yeah, we can work on it. It's better than anything we've said so far." I assumed he was talking about him and Stefan.

"Really? It was a lame idea." I said. Captain Obvious strikes again!

"It's good. It's... good." He said. Oh God, he was so beautiful. He didn't want to hurt me, how unbelievably adorable is that?

He went on for another half an hour or so explaining possibilities for the plan and drawing on a flip chart. Bonnie stared at the board in bewilderment, whilst I was paying no attention what so ever. Instead, I was analysing his every move and look. Perfection. No wonder he was a murderer, no one can be that perfect, there had to be a catch, otherwise it wouldn't be fair on everyone else. I looked at him but he turned to face me, so I turned away, acting as if I wasn't looking at him, but he noticed and slightly grinned.

"That's all I have right now. I'll think about it more, but thank you, Caroline and Bonnie." Bonnie was half asleep, until this point. She got up and gave me her death stare. I shook my head, terrified, and took her aside.

"Bonnie, help me, I'm freaking out. I can't do this!"

"Yes you can."

"No, I can't."

"Okay. Look at Klaus." We both turned to look at him, as he was analysing the flip chart. "Okay, now imagining that kissing you." 

"Bonnie, this isn't going to work!"

"Yes it will, you just need an extra push."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Before I knew it, Bonnie caught me off guard and pushed me towards Klaus.

"Hey, Klaus." He turned around. I stomped on Bonnie's foot and told her to stop. "Caroline wants to talk to you!" She gave me a smug look. I wanted to kill her, but I knew what she did would help me.

"Okay, what is it you want to talk about?" Klaus asked, looking at me.

I was holding onto Bonnie's arm, but she shook it off and took off, and as she did, she whispered "You'll thank me for this later." Urgh. Bonnie Bennett, why would you do this?

"So, are you okay?" He moved closer towards me. I could have sworn my heart stopped completely. I shook with fear. I could barely stand straight. Then, I further embarrassed myself by beginning to cry. Tears filled my eyes and he looked like he was sharing my pain. "Caroline... no, please, don't cry." This made me feel worse, I didn't want to make him upset.

"I'm sorry, Klaus. I can't do this." I whimpered as I ran off, before Klaus had the chance to say anything.

I cried, running all the way home, what had I done? Why did I do this? I just need to calm down. Relax, Caroline, relax. As I approached my house, I looked at the driveway. My mum's car wasn’t there, good, I could deal with this by myself. The last thing I wanted was my mum asking me what was wrong.

I got to my room, threw my bag and jacket down, and sat on my bed, crying. Why was I doing this to myself? My phone beeped before I could answer my question. I picked it up. It was a message from Klaus that read 'Are you okay, Caroline? I'm sorry if I upset you. I understand that you need some space, but please let me know if you're okay. Klaus.' I texted 'I'm fine, I just need some rest' whilst I was crying. I put my phone down and wiped my tears. I had to get myself together. I didn't even know why I was crying. My phone beeped again. Oh God, will he just give it a rest already?! But it wasn't Klaus, it was Bonnie. The text read 'What happened? I didn't want to call you, just in case you and Klaus were, you know... Anyway, call me back when you can! Bonnie." Oh God, I forgot I had to explain it to her.

I pulled myself together, washed my face and put my hair up. Then I picked up the phone, looked through the contacts, and dialled 'Bonnie'. It rang once, and then she picked up straight away.

"What happened? You have to tell me everything!" I took a deep breath and held back my tears. "Caroline? Caroline? Can you hear me? Caroline, come on, talk." I gave in, and broke down again. Maybe I just wasn't ready. Maybe I would never be ready.

Thank you, again! I hoped you liked it. :)

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