Chapter 8

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It took a few days for Percy, and I got into a routine that was close to normal. Every morning, we took Ancient Greek from Annabeth. The rest of the day, we'd rotate through outdoor activities looking for something we are good at. I am pretty good at archery. Percy, nothing so much. Foot racing wasn't it either. The wood-nymph left us in the dust. Wrestling? Nope, we would get pulverized by Clarisse and Mason.

Percy was good at canoeing, and I tipped over. We aren't kids of Ares, Apollo, Hephaestus, or Dionysus. Luke suggested that we could be Hermes. He was probably trying to make us feel better. Aside from that, we liked camp. We would eat dinner with cabin eleven, scrape food into the fire, and try to feel a connection to our parents. It didn't work. I could kind of see why Luke is bitter. Thursday afternoon was Percy's first sword-fighting lesson. Chiron, let me go to see how it goes.

I was a little nervous, but Ash gave me a reassuring smile. Everyone except from cabin eleven was gathered in the big circular area where Luke will be our instructor. We started with basic stabbing and slashing. I did ok... I guess. I understood what I was supposed to do, and my reflexes were good. The only problem was that none of the blades were balanced. They were too heavy, too light, or too long.

We moved on to dueling in pairs. Luke said he would be my partner since this is my first time. He showed me thrusts and parries and shield blocks the hard way. By the time he called a break, I was covered in sweat. Luke poured ice water on his head. I did the same and felt a surge of strength come back into my arms. The sword didn't feel so awkward. He ordered everyone to circle up.

Luke was going to demonstrate a disarming technique, and he wanted me to help. The technique is to twist the enemy blade with the flat of your own sword so that he had no choice but to let go. He first demonstrated it in slow motion. The sword fell out of my hands. We are going to do it in real time. I picked up the sword and nodded at Luke.

Luke came after Percy. Percy somehow kept Luke from getting a shot at the hilt of his sword. His senses opened up. Percy could see his attacks coming. Luke started to press Percy with more force. Percy tried the disarming maneuver. His blade hit Luke's, and he twisted it, putting his whole weight into a downward thrust. Luke's sword hit the stones with a clang. The tip of Percy's sword was an inch from his undefended chest.

The other campers were slinent. Ash watched the whole thing with a smile.
"Um, sorry," said Percy, lowering his sword. Luke was too stunned to speak.
"Sorry? By gods Percy, why are you sorry? Show me that again!" The short burst of energy left Percy's body. So he didn't want to, but Luke insisted. The time there was no contest, the moment Luke hit my hilt, it sent the weapon skidding across the floor. Somebody in the crowd said, "Beginner's luck?" Luke wondered what Percy could do with a balanced sword.

Friday afternoon, Percy and Ash were shining by the lake with Grover. The two demigods were resting from a near-death experience on the climbing wall. Grover got to the top like a mountain goat. The lava almost got Percy and nearly missed Ash. They sat there until Percy got the nerve to ask Grover how his conversation with Mr.D whent.
"Fine," he said, "Just great."
"So, your career's still on track?" Percy asked. The two didn't know what a searchers license was, and it didn't seem like the right time to ask. Grover said that if he went on a quest and got the two back alive, Mr.D might consider the job done.

Time skip

That night at dinner, there was a lot more excitement than usual. At least it was time to capture the flag. When the plates were cleared away, the conch horn sounded, and we all stood at our tables. Annabeth and two of her siblings ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was ten feet long, glistening gray with a painting of a barn owl above an olive tree. Clarisse and Mason ran in with another banner the same size but gaudy red, painted with a spear and a boar's head. Percy asked if those were the flags. Luke said yes. I asked if they would repaint them. Luke told me I would have to wait and see.

On our side, the blue team was the Athena,Hermes, and Apollo cabins. On the red team were the Ares, Dionysus, Demter, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus cabins. Chiron explained the rules and then told us to arm ourselves. The tables were covered in equipment: helmets, bronze swords, spears, orchid shields coated in metal. Percy got a huge shield and a sword that didn't look balanced. I decided to use my own.

Everyone was confused as to why Ash didn't have a weapon. That was until he pulled off his necklace. It looked like it melted before taking the shape of a bow and a quiver appeared on his back. The bow was made out of black wood, the grip was made out of dark purple leather with the three moons imprinted in it. The quiver was made out of the same leather the grip is made out of. The shaft of the arrow is black wood, the felatching were dark purple feathers, and the head was bronze.

He didn't take a helmet because it would get in the way. Annabeth then yelled for the blue to move forward. They cheered and followed after her down the path to the south woods. The red team yelled taunts as they headed north. Annabeth told Percy and Ash to watch out for Clarisse's spear. They were also stuck on border patrol.

Percy was stationed next to a small creek, and Ash was somewhere in the trees. Far away, the conch horn blew. The only thought going through their heads was great. We're missing all the fun as usual. Somewhere close by, they heard a growl. Ash knew exactly what it was but stayed in place. It stopped, and they felt like they were getting stalked. On the other side of the creek, the underbrush exploded. Five Ares warriors came yelling and screaming out of the bark.

I held my breath as Percy managed to sidestep the first kid's swing. I took a blunt arrow out of my quiver and aimed it at one of the kids' heads. I took a deep breath before realizing it. The silver and black projectile hit the kid hard enough to knock him out. That got the attention of the boy next to him. He turned around, trying to find where I was hiding. His axe gleaming bronze in the moonlight. I realized it was Mason.

I quickly jumped to the nearest tree, knocked another arrow, and hit another one in the back of the head. I looked over to see Percy fighting Clarisse, and he was doing good until he got shocked. Grate her spear is electric. I turned my attention back to Mason and fired an arrow at him. Sadly, he rolled out of the way. As I jumped down, I knocked another arrow. Before I could fire it, Luke and a few other Hermes kids ran past us with the red team's banner. Clarisse screamed it was a trick.

We won the game. Annabeth appeared out of nowhere, holding a Yankees cap. I wasn't even fazed by that. She then said something about a sword cut on Percy's leg. Well, it was a sword cut. Annabeth then told Percy to step out of the water. He looked tired.
"Oh, Styx," she cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want... I assumed it would be Zeus..." Before Percy could ask anything, we heard that canine growl again. This time, muck closer than before. The cheering died down instantly. Chiron shouted something in Greek, which I understood.

It looked straight at Percy. Hell no, I'm not losing my brother in everything but blood. Since I still had an arrow knocked, I raised my bow and fired this time the arrow was sharp. The monster fell dead where it stood.

Everyone was surprised. Clarisse then yelled that Percy summoned it. Annabeth told Percy to get back in the water, and he instantly felt better. Some of the campers gasped. Percy tried to apologize, but they weren't watching his wounds heal. They were staring at something above his and Ash's head.

By the time they looked up, the signs were already fading, but they still could make out the holograms. The one above Percy's head was a green trident, and the one above Ash's head was purple torches crossing each other.
"It is determined," Chiron announced. All around, Percy and Ash campers started kneeling, even the Ares cabin. The two asked about their parents.
"Poseidon and Hecate," said Chiron.
"Hail Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God" Hail Ashton Woods, Son of the Magic Goddess."

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