Part 2

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When we got to the water park the sun was lowering. Looking at the sign at some point it read WATERLAND. Now some of the letters were missing so now it says WAT R A D. The main gate was padlocked and topped with barbed wire. That will be fun to climb over. Inside the park were waterslides, tubs, and pipes that curled everywhere. The place looked creepy in general. "If Ares brings his girlfriend here for a date," Percy said looking at the fence. "I'd hate to see what she looks like." That caused me to laugh a little. "Percy and Ash," Annabeth warned. "Be more respectful." "Why? I thought you hated Ares." He does have a good point. "He's still a God. And his girlfriend is very temperamental." "You wouldn't want to insult her looks," Grover added. "Who is she? Echidna?" That caused me to laugh harder. "No, Aphrodite," Grover said, a little dreamily. "Goddess of love." I immediately stopped laughing. I then turned to Mason. "No offense but Ares isn't the best looking god out there." His face stayed emotionless. "None taken and you are right." I couldn't help but smile a little.

"I thought she was married to somebody," Percy said. "Hephaestus." "What's your point?"Grover asked. I could tell Percy wanted to change the subject. "We're going to have to climb the fence." I said looking up. "Maia!" Grover's shoes sprouted wings. He flew over the fence, did an unintended somersault in midair, then stumbled to a landing on the opposite side. The rest of us had to climb over the top. We walked around looking at the attractions. Some of them had really weird names like Ankle Biter Island. The park was surprisingly quiet and no monsters jumped out ready to attack. I was still on edge so I put my hand on my necklace.

The group eventually found a souvenir shop that was still open. There were still things on the shelves: snow globes, pencils, and postcards. "Clothes," Annabeth said. "Fresh clothes." "Yeah," Percy said. "But you can't just-" "Watch me." She snatched an entire row of stuff off the racks and disappeared into the changing room. Not long after she came out in a Waterland flower-print shorts, a big red Waterland T-shirt, and surf shoes. A backpack was slung over her shoulder full of more stuff. "What the heck." Grover shrugged. Soon Percy, Grover, and Annabeth were decked out. Ash and Mason only grabbed new shirts because they thought the shorts and shoes were stupid. They then continued to look for the Tunnel of Love.

Percy and Ash got a weird feeling about the park. "So Ares and Aphrodite," Percy said, trying to keep his mind off things. "They have a thing going?" "That's old gossip, Percy," Annabeth told him. "Three-thousand-year-old gossip." "What about Aphrodite's husband?" Percy asked. "Well, you know," she said. "Hephaestus. The black smith. He was crippled when he was a baby, thrown off Mount Olympus by Zeus. So he isn't exactly handsome. Clever with his hands, and all, but Aphrodite isn't into brains and talent, you know?" "She likes bikers", Percy said. That caused Mason and Ash to laugh quietly. "Whatever.," Annabeth said. "Hephaestus knows?" "Oh sure," Annabeth said. "He caught them together once. I mean, literally caught them, in a gold net, and invited all the gods to come and laugh at them. Hephaestus is always trying to embarrass them. That's why they meet in out-of-the-way places, like..." She stopped and looked straight ahead. "Like this."

In front of us was an empty pool. Around the rim, a dozen bronze statues of Cupid stood guard with wings spread and bows ready to fire. On the opposite side a tunnel opened up, that must be where the water flowed when the pool was full. The sign read, THRILL RIDE O' LOVE: THIS IS NOT YOUR PARENTS TUNNEL OF LOVE! Grover scooted toward the edge. "Guys, look." Abandoned at the bottom of the pool was a pink-and-white two-seater boat with a canopy over the top and little hearts painted all over it. In the left seat was Ares' shield. "This is too easy," Percy said. "So we just walk down there and get it." I gave him a 'are you serious' look. "Didn't you listen to what Annabeth said earlier? This is obviously a trap," Mason asid. That was the most he said so far. I looked over to see Annabeth running her finger along the base of the nearest Cupid statue. "There's a Greek letter carved here," she said. "Eta. I wonder..." "Grover," Percy said. "Do you smell any monsters"? He sniffed the air. "Nothing." That's weird because I feel like something bad is going to happen. "Nothing- like, in-the-Arch-and-you-didn't-smell-Echidna nothing, or really nothing?" Grover looked hurt and I shot Percy a glare. "I told you, that was underground." "Ok, I'm sorry." Percy took a deep breath. "I'm going down there." "I'll go with you." Grover didn't sound happy but he must be trying to make up for what happened in the Arch.

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