Chapter 13

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We spent two days on the train going west. Even though we weren't attracted once, I was still tense. I could tell Percy was, too. We are practically traveling in a display case. I feel like we are being watched from above and most likely below. I didn't like the feeling that we could be attacked at any moment, and we might not be able to stop it. On top of that, Percy and I had to keep a low profile because our names and pictures were on the front of several newspapers. A picture showed Percy getting off the Greyhound bus with a wild look in his eyes. His sword was a metallic blur. I didn't look any better with both of my shoulders bleeding. The caption didn't make me feel any better. Annabeth must have seen how uneasy Percy and I are. "Don't worry," Annabeth told us. "Mortal police could never find us." I could tell she didn't sound sure.

The rest of the day, Percy paced the length of the train while I fiddled with my necklace. I looked out the window and saw a family of centaurs. The little boy waved at me, so I waved back. Closer to the evening, I thought I saw a huge lion. It was the size of a hummer and had gold fur. Sadly, the money we got had only been enough to get us as far as Denver. Since we couldn't get to the sleeping car, we fell asleep in our seats. Since I was sitting next to Mason, I laid my head on his shoulder. Suprizley, he didn't try to push me away. So I dozed off.

Annabeth and I were the only two awake. Grover's fake feet fell off, so we had to put them back on before everyone noticed. I then looked over at Ash and Mason. They were practically cuddling, which I thought was funny. They normally look like they are going to kill each other. "So, Annabeth asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Who wants your help?"
"What do you mean?"
"When you were asleep just now, you mumbled, 'I won't help you.' Who were you dreaming about?" I hesitated to tell her. This was the second time I've dreamed about the evil voice from the pit. It bothered me, so I told her. She stayed quiet for a long time. "That doesn't sound like Hades. He always appears on a black throne, and he never laughs." Suddenly Ash spoke, "It's not Hades." "How do you know?" Annabeth asked. "Hecate visited me in a dream and said the person we are looking for is not Hades." "Ok so that rolls out Hades." Annabeth said. "He did try to bargain using my mom." I finally said. "Percy, you said the voice is coming from a pit. Right?" I was startled by Ash speaking because I thought he was still sleeping. I shook my head.

"Remember the story Chrion told us about. The one where the gods threw Kronos into Tarturs." I nodded my head, not sure where he was going with this, but waited for him to continue. "He hates them. So it would make sense that he would find a way to put them against each other. While they are fighting, he would rise to power and then take over." I looked over at Annabeth to see what she thought. "That would make the most sense." Annabeth said after a few seconds. Annabeth started to mess around with a gold college ring that was on her camp necklace. It must be her dad's. It was close to the end of the second day on the train. June 13th, eight days before the summer solstice. We passed hills and over the Mississippi River into St. Louis.

Annabeth arched her neck to see the Gateway Arch. "I want to do that," she sighed.
"What?" Percy asked.
"Build something like that. Have you ever seen the Parthenon, Percy?"
"Only in pictures."
"Someday, I'm going to see it in person. I'm going to build the greatest monument to the gods, ever. Something that'll last thousands of years." Percy laughed at her until I got up, went over to him, and kicked his leg. I didn't get how that was funny. If she wants to be an architect, then she can be one. She then went on to say how Athena expects her kids to create things. That made me wonder what Hecate expects me to do. We finally pulled into the Amtrak station. I had to shake Mason to get him up. Annabeth said that we were going sightseeing. The rest of us weren't sure but didn't want Annabeth to go alone.

The Arch was a mile from the train station. Since it was late in the bay, the line was shorter. We made our way through the underground museum that wasn't that interesting, but Annabeth told us interesting facts about how the Arch was built. Also, Grover kept handing Percy and I jelly beans, so it was ok. Grover doesn't like being underground, and he said it smells like monsters. Then brushed it off, which was a poor decision, in my opinion. Something felt off, like we weren't supposed to be here. I looked over and could see Mason and Percy felt the same way. When I saw the size of the elevator car, I knew this won't go well for Percy. He hates small spaces. I wonder if that's because he is a son of Poseidon. I don't know how we managed to squeeze in with a fat lady and her bog. The dog was a Chihuahua with a rhinestone collar.

I didn't like that the elevator went in a curve. "No parents?," the fat lady asked. She had beady eyes; pointy, coffee-stained teeth; a floppy denim hat, and a denim dress that bulged. She looked like a denim blimp. I also had a feeling the stains weren't coffee. "They're below," Annabeth told her. "Scared of heights."
"Oh, the poor darlings."
The dog growled. She told him to stop, and Percy asked if his name was Sonny. She told him no, like that cleared everything. I was glad when we finally reached the observation deck. It was ok, but Percy looked like he didn't want to stay long. I didn't blame him. We are six hundred feet up with someone who could be a monster. Annabeth was talking about something that had to do with the Arch, but I wasn't listening. I was too busy observing the other people, specifically the woman and her dog. Something about them was off, but I don't know what.

A park ranger said that the observation beck would be closing soon. Sadly, there was no more room on the elevator for Percy and Ash. Ash told them they could take the next one. The only people there now were the two demigods, the ranger, a boy with his parents, and the fat lady with her Chihuahua. The two felt uneasy. Ash's hand slowly made its way to his charm necklace. "Now, now, sonny," the lady said. "Does this look like a good time? We have all these nice people here." The little boy said doggie while his parents pulled him back.

The dog bared his teeth at the two, foam dripping from his black lips. "Well, son," the fat lady sighed. "If you insist." Terror started to fill both of them. "Um, did you just call that Chihuahua your son?" Percy asked. "Chimera, dear," the fat lady corrected. "Not a Chihuahua. It's an easy mistake to make." She rolled up her sleeves, revealing green scaly arms. Ash yanked the charm off the necklace. It turned into his dow and quiver. The chimera grew in size until its back hit the roof. It has the head of a lion with a blood-caked mane, the body and hooves of a giant goat, and a serpent tail, a ten-foot-long diamondback.

Percy noticed he hadn't uncapped his sword yet because his hands were numb. He was ten feet from its bloody maw. The snake lady made a hissing noise that was probably laughter. "Be honored, Percy Jackson and Ash Woods. Lord Zuse rarely allows me to test heroes with one of my brood. For I am the Mother of Monsters, the terrible Echidna!" Ash laughed, and the only thing Percy said: "Isn't that a kind of anteater?" That made her angry. "I hate it when people say that! I hate Australia! Naming ridiculous animals after me. For that, Percy Jackson and Ash Woods, my son shall destroy you!" The Chimera charged, Percy maged to leap to the side and dodge the bite. He ended up next to the park ranger and the family. They were trying to get the door open.

Percy yelled to get the monster's attention, and it moved faster than I thought it could. Before he could swing his sword, it opened its mouth and let out a jet stream of fire. It was aimed at Percy, but he was able to get out of the way. While Percy was fighting it's front I was fighting its tail. The snake was quick with its strikes. I shot an arrow at the eye, which made it mad. I did my best to stay in the new blind spot. It was harder than I thought it was going to be. Percy must have done something because the snake head sank its fangs into his calf. I shot more arrows at it, hoping it would get the snake's attention. Thankfully, that worked because I saw Percy jump out the hole that was burned into the Arch. The snake lunged at me as I rolled out of the way. Not wasting any time I ran to the hole and jumped out. As I was falling, I realized there was no way I was going to serve. Then I got an idea. What if I could shape shift into a bird? I closed my eyes and pickered a hawk, then focused on my magic. I can feel my features change. When I opened my eyes, I was flying above the water. I looked down, hoping to see Percy. Sadly, I didn't. So I made my way to land, landed in a tree, and then turned back into a human.

I jumped down and made my way over to the others. "That was amazing! Since when could you do that?!" Annabeth exclaimed. Shrugging my shoulders, I turned my bow and quiver back into a necklace. "Where is Percy?" Grover asked. "I don't know. I scanned the surface of the water and found nothing." I said, my voice cracking. I couldn't lose Percy. He's the only family I have left.

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