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Previous chapter : My name is choi yeonjun

Present -

Y/n : ohh my name is kim y/n

Yeonjun : nice to meet you y/n 😊

Y/n : thanks

Yeonjun : btw did you work in this company? Because I didn't see you before

Y/n : yes I am new here ,I am Mr.min new PA

Yeonjun : really!!

Y/n : why are you shock??

Yeonjun : because Mr.min every PA didn't stay here more than 1 week

Y/n : what!!

Yeonjun: yes you have to be really careful here because if you do a single mistake Mr.min will fired you from this job.......

Y/n : omo thanks yeonjun for telling me this

Yeonjun : your welcome well do you want to have a meal with me ? And don't worry bill is on me ....

Y/n : if you are requesting me this much......I will come 😁

Yeonjun chuckle at her

Yeonjun : okay let's go.....

Then they left from there


At y/n cabin -

She was doing work like a workaholic woman

Y/n : now only two files are left....

After few hours......

Y/n : All files are done!!

She strech her arm in tiredness then she look at the time it's 10 min to be 8 pm

She stood and make her way to Suga cabin


She knock on the door

Suga : come in

She went inside

Y/n : sir I completed the files.....

He look at her than at watch

Suga : so you do all files ( raise eyebrow )

Y/n : is he deaf ( in mind )

Y/n : yes Mr.min I do ALL files

Suga : if I find a single mistake I will give you more punishment  ( smirk )

Y/n : I bet you will not find a single mistake....

She said proudly

Suga : let's see

Saying this he started checking the files

Suga : woah there is not a single mistake....( In mind )

He look at her and say

Suga : hmm there is no mistake

Y/n : I knew it....( Proud ) sir can I go now ???

Suga : yes.....

Y/n : YAEY!! ( exited )

Suga : miss y/n how many times I have to remind you this is not your home....( Cold )

Y/n : I am sorry sir....

She bow and left from there

Suga : she is really crazy....

Then he also take his coat and leave from there but when he open the door he saw y/n singing a song and doing shoulder dance

Y/n : apni to pathshala Masti ki pathshala!!!

Y/n was dancing then she saw Suga and realisation hits her like a truck

She awkwardly smile

Y/n : umm sir.... good bye saionara

She also don't know what is she saying she didn't want to embarrass herself so run from there and their is Suga who is processing everything that just happened but he suddenly laughed at her

Suga : she is so funny ( laughing )

At other side

Y/n : omg this is so embarrassing.....

Saying this she left from there

To be continued.......


So this is chapter 9 hope you like it and sorry for late update.....pls vote and comment your opinion about this story so till then take care of yourself bye bye....💜💜💜☺️☺️

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