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??? Side-

The person was watching the photo of y/n and suga who was hugging eachother and there was more photos of them together

That person smirk

??? : So you got a girlfriend huh ( smirk )

??? : well it's very bad for hiding your beautiful girl from everyone mr.min yoongi

That person said looking at the pictures while laughing like a psycho

??? : just wait and watch what I will do...( Smirk )

Time skip-

At Office -

Y/n was going to enter inside the office but she saw many news reporters was there

All news reporters saw and run towards her

Her heart started beat rapidly seeing everyone coming towards her

Everyone started shower her with their questions

Report 1 : are you really in relationship with your boss min yoongi!??

Report 2 : since when did you both are in relationship!??

She was in shock that how come everyone knows

Report 3 : did you really love Mr.min yoongi or it's just for money??

She was going to answer but someone in crowd push y/n and she fall on ground

Everyone look at her

She has no courage to answer anyone because of her anxiety


Everyone look at the person and the person was non other than suga

His eyes landed on y/n

He went towards her and made her stand up

He look at her face

Anger rush over him seeing her nervous face

Suga : you don't have to panic now I am here

He said holding her hand

He look at the news reporters with his piercing gaze

Suga : Yes I am in relationship with Kim y/n!! If someone have any problem then I will solve their problems in my own ways...

He said while glaring

Now no one have any courage to utter any word cause they know what he can do

He started walking away from there

Everyone side and let him go and his guards make every reporters leave from there


They reached at last floor were everyone was talking about the drama which happened today

Everyone attention went towards him  and they become silent

Suga : as you all know now I am in relationship with y/n so don't change your behaviour with her and treat her like how you all used to do..and I don't want any misbehavior and rumours ( coldly )

Everyone nodded at him and he leave from there with y/n


At suga cabin-

He made her sit on his chair

Suga : did you get hurt somewhere??

He said while kneeling down infront of her

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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