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At night -

Y/n was scrolling through her gallery then suddenly suga's photo come

Y/n was scrolling through her gallery then suddenly suga's photo come

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Y/n : wow....

This is the only thing come from her mouth

She was looking at his beautiful features

Y/n : how can someone be that much beautiful.....

Then she started remembering the moment we're they both were laughing

Y/n : well he is not that bad......but I can't believe he proposed me in office it's look like a ff....

Then the lines roaming around her head which he say today

Y/n : did he really love me that much??

She said questioning herself

Y/n : should give him a chance....ARGH!!!

She lay down at bed

Y/n : listen y/n just sleep God will give you your answer till then enjoy your life.....

She said consulting herself

Y/n : but I am not feeling like to sleep....

Then a idea pop up in her mind

Y/n : let's read ff!

She said and open Wattpad

Time skip at morning -

At office -

Suga POV -

I was working than I remember y/n didn't come to my cabin today till now hmm... should I call her but what will I say that I want to see her..argh

Then a idea pop up on my mind

I call her and say "come to my cabin" and cut the call

POV end-

At y/n side

She was doing her work then she got a call she received the call "come to my cabin" and call cut

Y/n : can't he listen to me for once huh...

Then she make her way towards his cabin


Y/n : sir did you call me

She look at him

He look toward her and saw she was wearing a black formal dress

He look toward her and saw she was wearing a black formal dress

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