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At suga mansion-

They knock on the door

After some time the door open by jin

Jin : hello y/n ( smile )

Y/n : hii ( smile )

They both come inside the house where everyone was sitting on the sofa

Jungkook : hey y/n!

Y/n : hii jungkook!

Other members also greet her

Jin : you have work in weekends also??

He asked suga

Suga : no but why are you asking??

Jin : then why y/n is here you said you will call your girlfriend here??

Y/n and suga look at him with narrow eyes

Suga : umm hyung y/n is my girlfriend

He said making him speechless

Jin : umm y/n please sit why are you standing ( awkward )

He said changing the topic

Suga also sit beside her and jin sit infront of them

They all talk for sometime then jin say

Jin : okay let's go it's already lunch time

He said standing from his place

Y/n : wait let me help you

She also stand from her place

Jin : okay ( smile )

Then he look at the maknaes who were avoiding jin's gaze and looking here and there

Jin : did you three need any invitation to come.......come and help me in the kitchen ( glare )

The maknaes sigh and stand from there places and they all made their way to kitchen

( Author : us maknae line us 🙂 )


They arrange the dinning table and sit at their places

Y/n was sitting in the middle of suga and jungkook

Jin serve the food and give everyone a glass of banana milk

Jungkook : thanks jin hyung ( smile )

Jin : no problem

Then jin also sit on the chair

Jungkook : y/n did you also like banana milk??

He asked looking at her

Y/n : I don't like banana milk....I love banana milk!

Jungkook eyes sparkle hearing her

Jungkook : sister!

He strech his hand for a hug

Y/n : brother!!

They both hug eachother

Everyone look at the crackheads who just created a new relation between eachother for a small thing

Suga : you both eat your lunch silently

He said separating them

They both pout at suga

Suga : stop looking at me like this and eat your lunch

Then they all start eating their lunch


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