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They both stop kissing and suga say

Suga : come fast I am waiting for you outside

Y/n : okay

Then he left from there

Y/n look at his disappearing figure and turn around to see if yeonjun come or not

Y/n : where he is???

She take out her phone and call yeonjun but he didn't answer the call

She again call him but he didn't answer

Y/n : why he isn't answering my calls??

Then she text him and asked "where are you and why are you not answering calls"

She waited for him standing there and after 10 mins her phone buzzed indicating that she got a message

She open her phone and saw a message from yeonjun saying "I am little busy, I will meet you later"

She ask "is everything fine??" But he doesn't reply making her frown

Y/n : now what happened to him??

She shrugged her shoulder and leave from there


When she reach outside she saw suga leaning against in his car waiting her

She went towards him

He look at her and asked

Suga : what did yeonjun wanted to say??

Y/n : I don't know

Suga : huh??

Y/n : he didn't come cause he got some important work...

Suga : oh well leave it and come inside the car it's getting late

Y/n : okay

Then they both sit inside the car


Yeonjun side-

He was walking on the street emotionlessly 

A tear roll down from his eyes

All the memories were coming in his mind, how y/n and him hang out, fight with eachother lika tom and jerry, pranking their employees

He was lost in his thought so much that he didn't know a truck is coming towards him

The truck was gonna hit him but someone push him on the other side

Yeonjun and that person fall on road

That person stand and dust the dirt from her clothes

Then that person went towards yeonjun and give their hand to yeonjun

He take that person hand and stand up

??? : you should walk carefully on the road, what if I didn't come on the time

He lower his head and say

Yeonjun : I am sorry and I will carefully next time

??? : are you okay, did you get hurt someone were ??

He look at his palm and say

Yeonjun : I am okay but I got little scratch on my palm

He said showing his palm which was bleeding a little

??? : but it's bleeding

Yeonjun : it's okay , it will heal soon

??? : there is cvs store in nearby, come with me I will get a bandage for you

Yeonjun : no it's okay you don't have to that

??? : man it's not a big deal, let's go

He don't have any option left so he went with that stranger


Yeonjun was outside of cvs store and that person coming out taking a bandage

??? : give your palm

He give her his palm

She gently apply the bandage on his wound

??? : done

She said looking at him

Yeonjun : thanks

??? : no problem, well myself amaya

He smile and say

Yeonjun : myself choi yeonjun

Amaya : nice to meet you yeonjun

Yeonjun : nice to meet you too

She noticed dry tears on his face

Amaya : sorry to asked but did you cry ??

He smile sadly

Yeonjun : yes...

Amaya : but why??

Yeonjun : well I was going to confess someone but found out that she love someone else

He said smiling sadly

Amaya felt very bad for him

Amaya : well I don't know who is that person and what bond you have with her but don't cry for someone who doesn't love you...you deserve to be happy...sorry if I said too much..

He look at her with a smile

Yeonjun : well don't say sorry and thanks for lighten up my mood ( smile )

She smile back to him

Amaya : okay I gotta go now it's getting late..

Yeonjun : okay

Amaya : bye yeonjun

Yeonjun : bye...

Amaya : and be careful on road

She said while smiling

He chuckled hearing her

Yeonjun : okayy

She give him a soft smile and leave from there

He look at her untill she disappeared from his sight

He look at the moon then he remembered amaya's word

"Don't cry for someone who doesn't love you"

He smiled

Yeonjun : I may be happy but my heart is dying inside...

He look away and shrugged his shoulders

He started making his way towards his home

To be continued.....

So this is chapter 29 hope you all like and I was not updating because my phone was high on drugs and now I am not able to make long parts ( I am trusfrated 🥲 ) well did you all listen "COME BACK TO ME", it's really a masterpiece 🤌🏻✨...and see my new reel for introducing of amaya...so take care of yourself bye byeee ~~

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