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Next morning -

Y/n was infront of the company

Y/n : I hope he forgot about yesterday.... ( sigh )

Saying this she enter inside the company


Y/n was in her cabin preparing suga's shedule

Y/n : done......

She said while looking at that pice of paper

Then she made her way towards Suga cabin


Y/n knock on the door but something unexpected happened the Suga the great Suga open the door by himself

Suga : come in......

He said and went toward his seat

Y/n : now what happened to him ( in mind )

She also come inside

Suga : what is my today shedule??

Y/n : sir you have only one meeting with Mr.kang at 3:00 pm

Suga : okay inform everyone be ready for the meeting......

Y/n : okay sir.......

She said and leave from there


Lunch time -

Y/n was sitting on a table sipping the coffee but someone tap her shoulder she look around and yeonjun

Y/n : hey yeonjun....

Yeonjun: hey y/n can I sit with you....

Y/n : yes ofcourse......

Then yeonjun sit infront of y/n

Y/n : so did you prepare for meeting...

Yeonjun : yes I am fully prepared.....

Y/n : woah you are looking energetic today....

Yeonjun: thank you well y/n after office can hangout if you want

Y/n : okay I am coming

Then they talk for few minutes and leave from there for meeting ....


Everything was going smoothly but y/n feel someone stares then she found her *lovely bossstaring at her when she look at suga he turned his face to person who giving presentation

Y/n : weird ( in mind )

She shrugged her shoulder and the meeting

And this boring meeting ended

Everyone leave y/n was going to leave also then suga called her

Suga : miss y/n after office we are going to have dinner together

Y/n : WHAT!!??

she shout in confusion because his boss who is cold like water in winter is asking her for dinner

Suga : aish!! Why you always shout like that...

He said putting finger in his ear

Y/n : b-but why you are asking me for dinner

Suga : you have to do whatever I said I am your boss

Y/n : boss my foot ( in mind )

Poor y/n has no other choice so she agreed for dinner

Y/n was leaving then she heard something which embarrassed her

Suga : well miss y/n you dance very well... ( smirk )

She laughed nervously

Y/n : ha ha (nervous) I have some work

Saying this she run from there she her running figure he laughed

Suga : cute..( smile )

Yes you all are hearing right he found y/n very cute

And here our poor y/n who is regretting the little concert she did yesterday

To be continued.....


Thankyou everyone for 1.2k views on MAFIA KING'S CRAZY LOVE I can't tell you how much happy I am , I just want to hug you all tightly ahh!!!! You all are the best and I am sorry for late update but I promise I will update new chapter very soon and I love you guys!!💜💜💜

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