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Why he is acting so weird well leave it now I have to inform yeonjun that I can't hangout with him today argh!!

Then y/n inform yeonjun that she can't join him tonight


Time skip after office suga was waiting for y/n outside of the company than after some y/n come

Suga : you are 3 min late miss y/n

Y/n : sir it take time to come from top floor to ground floor....

She said making a done face

Suga : you should know the importance of time

Y/n : but sir I am not a flash who can come from top floor to ground floor in 1 sec I am just a normal person

Suga : yes you are a human with a monkey behaviour now come we are getting late.....

Saying this he left toward his car

Y/n : okay..wait what you just call me...

She realised that he call her monkey

She run toward the car

Y/n : why did you call me monkey!!

Suga : because you are now shut up and get in the car

He said in demanding voice then she going to sit in the passenger seat but suga say

Suga : sit in front seat

Y/n : but why ???

Suga : just sit...

He said looking at her

Y/n : okay?..

She said sitting in front seat


The whole ride was silent y/n was looking outside of the car then she saw something her eyes sparkle ✨

Y/n : sir stop the car sir !!!

She said shaking his hand suga stop the car and looking at her with worried

Suga : what happened are you okay?

Y/n : sir can we go there

She said pointing towards the fun centre looking at the direction he face plam himself because of this kid who want to go to the fun centre

Suga : you are not a kid

Y/n : who said adult can't enjoy their life like kid...

Suga sigh at her statement because she was not wrong at this time

Suga: but-

Y/n : pls sir plsss!!

She said with pleading voice

Suga : okay fine...

He said defeat by her inner child

They enter inside the fun centre and there y/n who was wondering everything like small kid

Y/n woah....

Suga chuckle at her behaviour then y/n saw a claw machine

Y/n : let's go there

She said pointing towards the machine

She said pointing towards the machine

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