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Next day-

Everyone was doing their work but
y/n was sleeping in her cabin because she was watching movies at late night

Yeonjun knock at her cabin door but she didn't wake up

Yeonjun again knock but get no response

Yeonjun open the door out of curiosity

He look and found out that y/n is sleeping putting her head in the table

He went closer to her

Her hair was on her face covering her face

He slowly tuck her hair behind her ear only to meet her cute face

Her face was shining under the sun rays, her one cheek was squeezed by the table and her lip was form in a small pout making her look more adorable, his heart melt seeing her

He felt something in his stomach when he saw her

He caressed her head gently and smile looking at her

Yeonjun : you don't know y/n what you have done to me and I gonna tell you tonight what I feel for you ( in mind )

She was sleeping so peacefully that he don't want to wake her but he had to because their boss call her

He shake her sleeping figure to wake her up

Y/n : unnie please 5 mints more ( sleepy )

She said without opening her eyes

He chuckled looking at her

Yeonjun : y/n wake up and I am not your unnie

She open her eyes and sit straight

Y/n : where am I?? Did you kidnap me but whyyy???

She shower him with her questions

Yeonjun : huh?? Come in your sense and I didn't kidnap you , you are in office

She look at her surrounding and found that she is in office

Y/n : oh so I am in hell

Yeonjun : now go mr.min call you

Y/n : but why?

She said rubbing her eyes

Yeonjun : I don't know

Y/n : okay you go I am coming

Then yeonjun left from there and y/n also made her way towards suga's cabin


Y/n : did you call me? ( Yawn )

She cover her mouth trying not to yawn

He look at her

Her eyes was telling that she just woke up and he also hear her yawning

Suga : did just woke up from sleep?

Y/n : um I was doing my work but I don't know when I fall asleep...

Suga : why, don't you get enough sleep?

Y/n : umm I was watching movies at late night ( awkwardly )

He sigh hearing her

Suga : come here

She went closer to him and stand beside him

He pull her closer to him by grabbing her hand making her sit on his lap facing him making her eyes widened

Y/n : w-what are you doing???

Suga :  sleep here no one will disturb you...

Y/n : but-

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