Getting kicked out...!

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               Lucy's prv.
Today marks the fourth month since lisanna came back from the 'dead' as everyone put it.Almost everyone had started to ignore me except gajeel, juvia,wendy,master,mira,laxus, romeo, happy, carla (I'm not really sure how you spell it,sorry), and pantherlily (lily) everyone else had ignored me for so long it hurts to think that I could of fallen for a stupid little fairy like natsu dragneel(A.K.A salamander).
         Time-skip《lucy's apartment
              Still lucy's prv.
I woke up this morning with a cold bed, but it still hurts to now that the one I loved has turned his back on me just so that he can party so much. Dont get me wrong I don't blame lisanna-san at all, it's not her fault that the dense idiot stopped talking to me. Anywho I decided I was going to wear a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark purple tank top that had a wolf howling at the moon. As I got dressed I got lost in my thoughts 'why would everyone start to ignore me maybe they never liked me in the beginning anyways' i thought as I grabbed a black and red studded belt and put my keys and whip on it and walked out of my apartment and started to head towards the guild to start a boring day. As I reached the guild I kicked the doors open and walked in "Hello minna" i yelled and I only got a response from my true friends "hi lucy-sama/bunny-chan/lu/lushy/lucy-nee/lu-chan/lucy-chan/lulu" they all told me as I went to the bar to get a drink. "What would you like lu-chan" mira-chan asked me as she walked toward me "i would like a strawberry milkshake please mira-Chan" i told her as I turned to look at her. As I waited for my milkshake laxus-nii-chan came and sat beside me and ordered a beer. We talked till are drinks got here,when I got my drink I went to an empty table and sat down,when I sat down gajeel, juvia, wendy and the exceeds came and sat with me. As we talked quietly, I told them about the training I had done and what I had done during it. They all seemed excited to now what happened during my training "i became a wolf-slayer" i whispered to them "ehhhh,a what" they asked in shock. "shhh you guys,I became something close to a dragon-slayer so that I could beat any bad guy with out seeming weak" i told them as I looked at them to see they all understood now. Before we could talk any further my name was called "luce" a dense headed dragon-slayer yelled as he and team natsu were headed my way "yes natsu-san" i asked as I looked at him with a small smile on my face because I could feel that something was about to happen. "We're kicking you off team natsu because your weak" natsu told me "you also hide behind your stupid spirits and never help us out" erza told me with a serious face. "You were only my replacement you bitch ass whore" lisanna told me as she clung to natsu-san's arm looking at me with a smirk on her face. "You should just quit the guild we don't need a weakling like you,you would make are reputation seem bad if we let you stay here you weak ass bitch" gray yelled at me.I just sat there looking at them with a blank look on my face, then the tears started to come out of my eyes, I covered my eyes with my bangs and looked down at the floor.

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