New world and sayians?

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              Gohan's prv.
Goten and I were headed to bulma's house to visit trunks and so that I can have at least a moment to talk to bulma about something that has been on my mind for awhile now. As we landed in bulma's yard I went to the front door and walked in with goten behind me as soon as we got into the house goten was tackled by trunks "come on goten were going to my room to play some video games" he told him as he began to drag goten away from me "ok trunks, I'm coming" goten told him as he began walking behind him to trunks room to play some games. As I walked to find bulma I was met with vegeta who just gave me a scowl "why are you here kakabrat" he asked in a cold voice "i brought goten here to play with your son and I came to talk to bulma about somethings" i told him as I made my way to go around him "VEGETA leave gohan alone" bulma yelled at him as she came out of her lab "how have you been gohan" she asked me as she came and hugged me "ive been good..." i didn't get to finish as I heard a thump, it sounded like something just hit the ground outside bulma's door. I went to the door and opened it to see a girl about my age on the ground with bruses and cuts all over her,she had blood over her as well. "You guys might want to come see this" i told them as bulma came rushing to the door "oh my" she said as she looked the girl over. "Gohan come and carry this girl to the healing tank so we can get her healed, ok" she asked me as I made my way to the girl and picked her up off the ground and carried her to the tank so she could be healed. I didn't like that she was hurt and I was very curious of how she got to look this way. 'i will find who did this and I will kill them painfully' i thought, 'what the hell, did I just say I was going to kill someone over this girl' i asked myself. While I was in my thoughts I looked down at her to see that she was very curvious,and tall, I would have to wait and see what she really looked like under all this blood.

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