Meeting the chibi-sayians!

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             Gohan's prv.
As bulma and I sat down,I watched as lucy stayed standing looking at the sky.
   Time-skip《one hour later》
I looked to bulma and I could tell she was thinking about something."What is it bulma" i asked as I looked to see lucy now looking at me and bulma "i feel like we're missing something or someone,don't you gohan" she told me as she looked at lucy and smiled at her.Lucy went over to bulma and sat beside her "what do you think you are missing bulma-chan" lucy asked as she laid back on the grass "oh my god we forgot about trunks and goten,gohan go inside and call them down please" bulma asked,as I made my way to the door I could here the patterning of little feet running down the stairs "big brother trunks keeps telling me that I'm weak because I'm younger than him" goten said as he came running into my arms crying "your not weak goten,your just a little younger than trunks,but that doesn't make you weaker than any of us ok" i told him as I hugged him "kawii,your so cuteee" lucy said as she ran and hugged goten.
                  Lucy's prv.
After I sat down and gohan-kun
went to the house to call the people bulma-chan asked him to call.Two little kids came running out of the house and one was crying chibi-tears it was so cutee "big brother trunks keeps telling me I'm weak because I'm younger than him" the little kid told him as he ran and hugged gohan-kun "your not weak goten,your just a little younger than trunks,but that doesn't make you weaker than any of us ok" gohan-kun told him,i couldn't hold it in anymore "kawii your so cuteee" i said as I ran and took him from his brother and hugged him.
                 Goten's prv.
When big brother had told me I wasn't weak a blonde and black haired teenage girl ran up to me and grabbed my while saying "kawii your so cuteee" she said as she grabbed me from my brother and hugged me tightly "dont let the purple-chibi tell you your weak because your not,your strong just like your big brother ok" she whispered so that only I could hear."Thank you..." i said "you can call me lu,little one,ok" she told me as she let me go and went to sit down by bulma,who smiled at her.Before anyone could say anything else a puff of orange smoke began to appear when it cleared there was a man with orange hair and a suit on along with glasses "princess I told all your friends and family members that you were safe oh and mira gave me a communication lycimia so that you could talk to them" he told her as he handed her a blue crystal looking thing.
                Lucy's prv.
I can't believe I can possible communicate with my true family and friends."Thank you loke,you can go back to the spirit world and tell the others I'm ok as well" i told him as I looked at the lycimia.I typed in what I had to,to be able to communicate with them,it ringed for about a minute,then mira came on the screen "hello mira-chan how are you and everyone else" i asked her "lucy your ok" she yelled I had to cover my ears from how loud it was "wendy come here and get the others for me please" mira said in a loud voice "what is it that you want white-haired dem...Lucy" laxus yelled "hey laxus-nii-chan how have you and the others been" i asked as I had tears running down my face "were ok lu,but we all miss you" he told me as he moved and gajeel,juvia,wendy,and the exceeds came on the screen "hello you guys" i said as I cried a little more "lucy-nee/bunny-chan/lucy-sama,lushy/lulu/lucy-chan" they all said very loudly that I covered my ears a second time in the same day "i miss you guys,we can stay in touch through this lycimia while I'm in the other world ok" i told them as I looked at them with sad eyes "ok bunny-chan we will stay in touch with you,but mira will keep the lycimia so that we can see you when ever we want" gajeel-nii said as he gave me a smile."Bye you guys talk to you tomorrow or the day after" i told them as I hung up the lycimia.

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