Waking up and new namaka..

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              Gohan's prv.
After I put her into the tank I looked at bulma and vegeta to see that they were looking at me with curious eyes."What are you looking at" i asked "oh nothing,so do you think she will be alright" bulma asked me as she came and stood by me to look at the girl.After thirty minutes passed the blood started to disappear,we could now she that she was blonde and black headed,big bust,long legs,kissable lips...'wait,what did I just think of her lips as kissable'i thought as I looked at her alittle more she looked very cute though,She started to wake up.
                  Lucy's prv.
As I woke up I noticed I was in a tank of water and I also noticed that I didn't have anymore wounds on me.I looked up and saw a blue haired woman and a black haired teenager along with a man that also had black hair but it stood up defying gravity.I smiled and waved at them to tell them I was ok now,the woman looked at the teenager and told him something,next thing I now the water is being drained.As the tank opened I stepped out and stretched my muscles,I sighed softly because it felt good to stretch out,I looked at the three people "um..hi" i said really softly,I wasn't sure if they were friends or foes."Don't be shy" the blue haired woman told me as she came over to me and hugged me,I've not been hugged in along time so I just stood there still as a brick."Um...sorry,but I don't no who you people are,or where I am" i told them "your on earth,my name is bulma those two are gohan and vegeta,so who are you dear" she asked kindly "im lucy,lucy heartfilia,it's nice to meet you three" i told them as I looked around "wait did you say earth" i asked bulma "yes I did,Is something wrong" she asked me as she looked at me "holy shit I'm not in Earthland anymore,how can that be" i said in a frantic way as I began to pace and mumble to myself.
                Gohan's prv.
As she began to mumble I could make out some of the words "stupid dense dragon-slayer...stupid fake namaka...stupid me for going to fairy tail in the first place...poor gajeel,wendy,juvia,master,mira,happy,romeo,carla, pantherlily(lily), and laxus,there stuck with stupid stipper,animal-girl,scarlet,and the dense idiot" she said.As she stopped pacing she looked at us and smiled and it was warm and friendly.
                Lucy's prv.
I can't belive I was sent to another deminsion intirly it's sad that I won't get to see my friends anymore,but I can get a fresh start here in this world.I looked at the black haired teenager,he was kinda cute with his spiked hair,black eyes,he seemed to have alot of muscles under his shirt and he was quite tall to he was maybe five or six inches taller than me.I blushed a deep red color,because he had caught me staring at him,but he blushed as well it looked cute on him.'wait,did I just say he was cute with a blush and with out one as well' i thought and I was very curious of why I felt like this and he looked very curious as well."Will you two stop staring at each other" vegeta said with a scowl on his face,'this guy is starting to get on my nerves' i thought as I looked at him coldly.

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