Getting to now the sayians!

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             Vegeta's prv.
When the lucy-brat looked at me with a cold look I could tell I was annoying her and it was funny to see a human girl giving the prince of all sayians a cold look,I was trying not to laugh at how the two brats where looking at each other when the other wasn't looking.
    Time-skip《living room》
As we all sat in the living room the two teenage brats sat by each other the woman and I sat on the love seat."So lucy how did you end up with all those wounds" bulma asked her as I looked at her I could smell salt like tears,they were running down her cheeks."I got beaten by my ex-team mate's,they had kicked me out of there team and had called me bitch,whore,slut,replacement, weaking,and that I should just leave my guild fairy tail,because I wasn't as strong as they were,but I never got a chance to get a shot at them because they kept attacking me with there magic's.I was nocked unconscious from all the blood loss,I never got to say goodbye to my true friends and family" she told us I stared at her softly."Woman I'm going to go to the GR to train don't disturb me" I told bulma as I walked out the door to the gravity room.I could feel that bulma,gohan,and lucy were following me outside,I just went into the GR and started to train,but I watched them from time to time.
               Lucy's prv.
We all followed vegeta outside and I went to a patch of grass and stood there looking up to the sky for a little thinking of how things are going to drastically change for me from now until later on in the next few months.

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