The new Comer and finding out...

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               Gohan's prv.
I watched as lucy hung up the lycimia thing,I was curious if she had a mate in her own world...'Wait,what the hell am I thinking she probably doesn't even think of me that way,and we've only been talking for about three hours and I feel like I know all about her,but I'm thinking vegeta nows something that he's not telling me' I thought as I turned to the gavitiy room to see vegeta was looking out the window and he saw I was starting at him he smirked at me.'What the hell does he now that he'snot telling us' I thought as I turned back to lucy who was talking to bulma,she seemed to be blushing madly at something bulma had said.
                  Lucy's prv.
Bulma-chan and I were talking about things and I felt the eyes of gohan-kun so I just ignored it,but bulma-chan had to mess with me a little."So lucy-chan do you like gohan" she asked me and I immediately blushed madly at the thought of liking gohan-kun "bulma-chan,I might have a tiny crush on him,but we have only known each other for only three hours,so I wouldn't say that I'm in love with him" I told her as I looked at gohan-kun who was now looking at the sky.He seemed to be in thought so I got up and went to sit next to him,but as I was making my way to him I got the feeling that someone was watching us and it was starting to creep me out.
            Gohan's prv.
I could feel that something was going to happen and it didn't feel like it was going to end very well.I wasn't paying much attention to my souroundings and I felt someone lightly tap on my shoulder."Hey gohan is it ok if I sat down beside you for a moment I wanted to ask you something" lucy asked me as I turned to look at her.I nodded my head at her and sat down on the grass with her "what was it you wanted to ask lucy" i said as I smiled at her.

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