Meeting the whole family..

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                   Lucy's prv.
Before I could hit sharpener I felt a hand grab my wrist "who do you think you are hitting my Sharpie blonde girl" a girl asked in a silky sweet voice as I turned around I saw that it was blonde girl who was not happy "eresa what are you doing here?" Sharpener asked as he looked at her in shock. "I had come here with videl to go shopping but I saw this blonde chick about to hit you!" She explained to him as she pointed at me "wait you came with videl..." gohan couldn't finish his sentence because a black haired girl was running are way "eresa what on earth,why did you run away from me?" She asked as she walked up to eresa who was laughing wierdly at the black haired girl. "Um..well you see..Oh look it's gohan!" She said in excitement. Videl turned around and looked at gohan-kun who was nervous for some reason "hello gohan,what are you doing here?" she asked him as she smirked and walked closer towards him.  I looked at them and I felt like something was going on between them both "hello videl I'm here shopping with my new friend Lucy" he told her and I stepped up and looked at her with a smile on my face "hello videl is it my name is Lucy heartfilia" I told her. She looked at my hand and lifted her's to shake my hand "my name is videl" she let go of my hand and turned to look at gohan-kun "what the hell are you doing at a mall with a blonde and black headed girl who was hitting your friend which you didn't seem to stop her from doing!" Videl said to gohan who had a dark blush on his face from embarrassment. I looked at this videl girl and she seemed to be a little to high centered right now towards gohan-kun "why the hell are you getting mad at gohan-kun he didn't do anything you should be more worried about the blonde guy right now I think I gave him a small conclusion as well as a black eye and a busted lip!" I told her as I looked carefully at the blonde guy whose name is sharpener. "I'm not really concerned with sharpener I'll let erasa handle him" she told me with a snarky voice I turned to look at her and I was thinking about hitting her but gohan-kun gave me a look 'you do it in front of these people and we will be kicked out of this store' look and I stopped mid swing and put my fist and my arm down. "Look videl I'm not  looking for trouble I'm only here so that she can get new clothes that don't look all torn up!" Gohan-kun told the girl and she just looked at him with suspension in her eyes. "Whatever you say gohan" she said as she began to walk towards erasa and sharpener who where standing there waiting for her. As they walked out of the store and out of are eye sight I began to look around the clothing store "so Lucy, do you see anything you like so far?" Gohan-kun asked as he saw me eying a red crop top and a pair of ripped white skinny jeans. "Yes I do gohan-kun I see a few outfits I like,why?" I asked him as I smiled sweetly at him which made him blush I was very confused as of why he was blushing. As I was looking around again I saw a woman looking at me funny "what are you looking at,huh?" I asked her "maybe the fact that you are talking and hanging around with my oldest son" she said and I was taken aback by this "um..gohan-kun can you come here for a minute please?" I asked as I looked at the woman. As I felt gohan-kun step behind me I looked at him to see his face was in shock "hello mother,what are you doing here?" He asked in a nice voice "well if you must know gohan I'm looking for more clothes for me but all of these are for young women" she told him as she looked at me with a look of interest "so who is this young women gohan?" She asked "I'm Lucy,Lucy heartfilia and I'm new here may I ask what your name is Mrs.?" I asked sweetly "well such manners and it's chichi son! Its nice to meet you Lucy" she told me as she looked at me with kindness in her eyes.

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