Meeting all the sayians....

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                Gohan's prv.
I stared at vegeta's figure as I walked in to the back door of the house.I turned my head back around to come face to face with lucy looking at me with a smile on her cute face 'no,no,no,bad gohan don't think about lucy that way,you've only known her for four whole hours and you think she's cute already' I thought as I smiled softly at her."So gohan-kun what do you think we should talk about now since I'm not going anywhere anytime soon" she asked me as she gave me a playful smirk "well,since your not doing anything anytime soon would you like to go out and see Satan city or no?" I asked her as I smirked at her with a playful look in my eyes "are you sure you want to go into the city with me" she asked me with a smile on her face,but it didn't reach her eyes,because her eyes gave her away with the emotions of sadness,and nervousness.I looked at her with a big smile on my face "come on lucy I think you would like the city" I told her as I got up off the ground and I stretched my hand out for her to take so that I could help her off the ground. As I picked her up off the ground I looked at her to make sure I have a good hold on her so that she doesn't fall. "Are you sure you really want to go out into the city with me gohan-kun" she asked as she looked at me in the face "I'm sure Lucy" I told her as I smiled at her "hold on Lucy your about to go flying" I told her as I took off into the sky towards the city.

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