Getting to know gohan....

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                  Lucy's prv.
When gohan-kun smiled at me I couldn't help but smile back at him,"Um..I wanted to get to know you better" I said as I blushed from embarrassment.He looked at me with suprise in his black eyes "are you sure you want to get to now me lucy" he asked me as he smiled saddly,he seemed to be thinking about somethings."I'm sure gohan-kun,I just feel like we should get to now each other better than we do" I told him as I smiled softly at him.He smiled back "well then why don't you ask me some questions and I will tell you what I can" he told me as he turned fully around to face me."Ok,what is your full name" I asked "my name is son gohan,what is your full name lucy" he asked me with a small smile on his face."My name is lucilia ann hearfilia,what is your favorite things to do in your spare time gohan-kun" I asked him "I like to fight,help bulma in her lab and I like to train.What do you like to do in your spare time lucy" he asked me."I like to write,train,read,and hang out with my friends,what's your favorite color gohan-kun" I asked him "it's blue,what's yours lucy" he asked me "itsts pink,but I like the color blue alot more" I told him as I began to look up at the sky 'why do I feel like I need to now about him so much' I thought to myself I was brought out of my thoughts by gohan-kun tapping my shoulder "you ok lucy,you seemed to be lost in your thoughts" he asked me "oh sorry gohan-kun I was just thinking of what I will do while I'm here,I've got to find a place to live and I have to buy things that are from here" I told him as I looked at him with a smile on my face."You can stay here at capsule corp. for now lucy,your new here and I don't want you getting lost" bulma-chan said as she looked at me with a smile on her face."Oh bulma-chan you don't have to do that,I'm perfectly fine looking for a house and things for the house on my own,I'm not going to stay in your house you seem to already have a lot of people in it" I told her as I got up.I felt my arm being grabbed "where do you think your going lucy-brat" I heard a voice say,I turned to come face to face with vegeta who had a scowl on his face "I was going to head out to look for a house that I can live in,is that a problem vegeta" I asked him as I glared at him "if the woman said you can stay in our house then you are aloud to stay in the house,got that lucy-brat" he told me I just smirked at him "so your saying I can live with you until I get familiar with this place,vegeta" I said as I stared at him "don't make me regret it you blonde brat" he told me as he let go of my arm and turned to go into the house.

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