Game On (Flashback)

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Jayden called her name again in hopes of getting her attention. Mia, who was busily sulking ignored him totally.

Although he couldn't see her expression because they'd morphed, he knew she was angry.

They decided to reach a clearer space to summon their zords since the forest was a bit too thick with a lot of trees.

Looking at her weird gait, Jayden couldn't help but chuckle. After he'd finished ravaging her, she was on the verge of losing consciousness.

Mia was angry at him and refused to accept his help even when he offered to bathe her, but she was too weak to lift a finger and Jayden gladly took it upon himself to bathe her.

After morphing the power that flowed through her body gave her a bit of strength, but that was the extent of it. The way she walked was a bit uncomfortable and her voice was hoarse.

Jayden approached her once more and hugged her from behind.

He'd always wanted to hug her in her ranger suit. He both loved and hated that suit of hers, it clung to her body tightly like a second skin, making him go wild with all sorts of unpleasant thoughts and causing his adrenaline to rush which in turn boosted his morale on the battlefield, he was like a lion in heat.

But men knew men best. He knew that he wasn't the only one longing for her but a particular blue ranger could also be considered a love rival.

He hadn't noticed until the day mentor asked them to train in their ranger suits.


As Kevin was injured during a nighlok attack that took place earlier that morning, so he was forced to be a spectator while the others sparred.

This time, the condition was a bit special because they were supposed to spar with rangers that had elements compatible with theirs.

Since plants grow from the earth Mike had to partner with Emily and since wind makes flames stronger and spread faster, Mia had to spar with Jayden.

Antonio decided to sell his sushi and Lauren offered to accompany him.

Mentor decided to accompany Emily and Mike to a nearby forest because they were young and mentor didn't trust Mike to train properly and not seduce the innocent Emily.

He left Mia in Jayden's care but Kevin was hell bent on going with them. Mentor agreed since he can help put out the fire if it happens to get out of control.

But in order to prevent any accidents they were ordered to train near the beach. It was evening anyway and no one was there.

Once the got there and morphed, they decided to warm up first before sparring, then beginning to use the flame and wind attacks.

Jayden noticed the way Kevin kept eying Mia and was a little displeased about it, but the helmet prevented anyone from seeing the expression of the person underneath it.

Noticing Kevin struggling a bit, Mia went forward to help him sit down on the ground. Seeing the blue ranger hug the pink ranger like his life depends on it with his eyes looking at her breasts, Jayden felt pissed.

Kevin took advantage of the fact that he was taller and heavier than Mia and pulled her along with him onto the ground, pretending to be in immense pain because of her extra weight.

Jayden had had enough and marched towards them, roughly grabbing Mia by her arm and yanking her to him. With his hand wrapped around her, he feigned concern and asked Kevin if he was alright.

Kevin could only grit his teeth in annoyance and nod, wondering if Jayden did it on purpose or not.

"I'm sorry Kevin," Mia said worriedly.

"It's alright."

Kevin said.

As they turned to leave, Jayden smirked.

'Alright blue ranger, if that's how you wanna play it then game on.'

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