Egg sucking dog

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I could call Beau Shaw many things, but an egg-sucking dog seems to fit him, aka lying, cheating snake in the grass. I can't accuse him of cheating because we're not together. So, egg-sucking dog it is.

What is wrong with Beau? No, seriously. Someone tell me what is wrong with that stupid man. Does he enjoy ripping someone's heart out of their chest, throwing it on the ground, and stomping all over it? I guess I'm the lucky one.

I was too angry to cry while I drove. My phone rang a billion times with Egg Sucking Dog lighting up my screen. I ignored it. Then the damn dog sent me a billion text messages. Isn't it hard to type with paws?

Go chase some cattle, you schmuck.

I was so tempted to toss my phone out my car window, but then I would have to explain to Pa why I needed a new one. I'm sure he would understand.

I arrived at Hank and Morgan's place, got out of my car, slammed the door, and kicked the living shit out of the car. I needed to release some aggression, and the dog wasn't there. I would drop-kick his balls. Oh, I forgot. Dixie Cooper has the dog by the balls.

My phone kept ringing and pinging. I had enough and threw it across the yard.

Grayson walked over and picked it up. "Mary, you dropped your phone."

"I didn't drop it. I threw it. Why did you pick it up?"

Grayson stroked toward me. "Cause Pa will make you shovel horse shit if you lose your phone."

"It can't be any worse than listening to that dog's bullshit."

"Yeah, I heard."

"Then you understand why I threw my phone."

"Why would you destroy your phone over a damn dog?"

"Do I seem like I care at the moment?"

My phone rang, and Grayson answered it. "No, Mary can't come to the phone. No, you can't speak to her. Do you really want to talk to a viper right now? I give you credit. You're stupider than I realize." He ended the call. "Just block his number."

"Fine, I will." I snatched my phone from Grayson and blocked the dog's number. Then, I blocked his fellow packmates' numbers. Fuck them. I hope their dicks shrivel up and fall off.

Hank's truck pulled up beside my car. I didn't even give him a chance to get out before I opened his passenger door and grabbed the case of beer. I needed this more than anyone.

I stalked off towards the back of the property, plopped down, and cracked open a beer. Then, I drank myself stupid—stupid dog.


I swear my luck goes from bad to worse. I told Dixie to take a hike. I didn't want to hear about her latest drama with some asshole. I didn't care.

I borrowed Shep's truck since Mary used mine as a practice target and drove to Hank's place. Why? Mary would run to Morgan before going home.

I called her a billion times. When that didn't work, I blew up her phone with messages. I went back and forth until Grayson answered the phone. "Is Mary there? Can I speak to her? What do you mean no?"

Grayson told me I was stupid and ended the call. I tried to call back and got the person you have reached is unavailable. What the fuck?

I floored it to Hank and Morgan's place.


I sat on the ground and cracked open my third beer.

Morgan sat down beside me and grabbed a beer. "Thanks for not waiting for me."

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