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Thomas lost tracked of the days he was in there. 

There was no windows and the light always stayed on, taking away his sense of time. 

The soldiers, doctors, Psychs, whatever you want to call them, had a schedule. Thomas memorized his schedule. One day, of the first week a soldier took pity on him, told him it was Monday.  

That was the tool Thomas needed to escape, and this is how he learned the schedule.

On Mondays, they tested him, in every painful way possible, it lasted about six hours (Thomas timed it.) Then tortured him two hours and let him sleep.  (Not that he did sleep.) 

On Tuesdays, they sent him to a simulation called 'The Panic Room.' This simulation lasted about eight hours, then they whipped him. This simulation made Thomas doubt if this was real or part of a matrix. He started counting his fingers and trying not to sleep. 

On Wednesday, they made him run. They didn't feed him anything, but it was his fault after running for six hours that his body gave out. They beat him, after he ran. He had more broken bones that he could count. 

On Thursday, In the morning Thomas would puke everything. It was mostly a white/ transparent sticky liquid (ew) because he didn't have anything in his stomach. They let him rest for four hours then tested on him (again). 

On Fridays, they made him climb walls and do parkour. It lasted about twelve hours. 

On Saturdays, they made him work for WCKD, which of course he denied doing it, resulting in loss of fingernails, being tased, burned, whipped and more. 

On Sundays, they let him rest, they send him a book that should last him the whole week, he finishes it in a day.

This routine happens for about eight months, after the first month they gave a mattress and a bucket. After three months a pile of books occupies his basement corner.  After five months Thomas stopped talking back. After six months the walls have names scrawled on by Thomas's remaining fingernails. Everyone, every Scorcher, every Glader, every survivor that died, is written on those walls.

Thomas holds on to the memories of the glade and of the Scorchers, it is the only thing that keeps him sane. Before and after of every test, every beating, Thomas repeats the names that are on his walls, forcing himself to remember, a memory. He can't forget them. 

He now remembers new names and new persons, he writes them on the wall: Allison, Scott, Lydia, Derek, Peter, Claudia, Noah (the sheriff), Liam, Isaac, Aiden, Ethan, Danny, Melissa, Chris, Parrish, Malia, Kira, Erica, Boyd. 

The first night of the seventh month, all of his memories come flooding back. He remembers his jeep, his friends, his pack, his dad, his mom. He remembers his life as Stiles, but he can't let WCKD know that he remembers. 

He follows the schedule for another month, the last night of the eighth month, he leaves a folded paper on the crack were the door closes. He waits till he thinks it is nightfall, and he makes a run for it. He doesn't have shoes or decent clothes but fuck it and must importantly: fuck the schedule.

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