Minho runs and so does Thomas, they both go look for everyone.
Bergs fly across the sky. Dropping soldiers and bombs. Thomas tries to get everyone to safety. "Thomas!" Vince yells. "This way!" Vince tells the runner. There is fire everywhere, trees are burning, it's raining, and the stars are falling.
"You need to go Thomas!" Vince yells. "Is everybody safe?" Thomas asked, the older man shook his head. "Then I'm not going anywhere. Run Vince, I'll be right behind you, I promise." Thomas said. Vince ran and grabbed Jorge, Brenda and Aris.
Thomas ran into the home shed that was on fire and saw a little girl about Chuck's age (if he was alive). He grabs the girl, pulls her to his chest. Ripped his sleeve and put in on the girls mouth so she wouldn't breathe in the smoke. He runs, grabbing the girl and hosting her up to his shoulders. Her legs and wrapping his waist and his arms are grabbing Thomas with all her might scared she might fall off.
He tries to escape the fire, but the home shed falls down, the beam almost falls on Thomas. He grabs into the little girls and runs out of the way of the falling beam.
He runs and sees a boy, a year younger than him, he is unconscious. Thomas tells the girls to hold on, she nods and holds on tighter. Choking him in the process. He doesn't even registrate it.
He carries the boy bridal style. He was a lot skinnier and lighter than Newt. A pang of guilt and grief, strikes through him.
He manages to get both the girl and the boy out of the Home shed and runs to the nearest place that is not on fire. He sees Vince, Jorge and Brenda waving him over. "Thomas! Run!" Brenda yells. Thomas runs with all his power, he needs to save the kids even if he doesn't save himself.
He sees Minho, yelling at Thomas, but the sounds are muffled, the only thing that he can hear is the ringing. It's loud.
His vision gets blurry, and his knees almost give out, but he runs. For his mom that he doesn't remember. For his dad, whose image is imbedded in his mind, no matter how broken it is. He runs for the brother with the crooked jaw whose name he doesn't remember. He runs for the blurry girl with the strawberry blond hair. He runs for the brunette with vibrant blue eyes. He runs for the girl with the crossbow. He runs for the sourwolf with the stubble.
He runs and he almost made it.
(A/N: after the griever sting in the maze, thomas remember a bit as his life before WCKD.)

FanficWhat if Thomas got tired of being the hero? He already lost everything. And now he has to pretend He has to pretend to be a teenager who has already broken but no one knew. He has to pretend that breathing doesn't hurt. He has to pretend he wants t...