𝖒𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌

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Stiles woke up to the sounds of sirens, he blinked and saw a girl looking at him. 

He tried to sit up, but the girl said, "Hey careful." "I'm fine." Stiles groaned out. He stood up, dizziness taking him, he steadied himself on his turned down jeep. "Not to be rude, but who are you?" Stiles asked. "Thea, aka the girl who crashed into you." "Oh. Stiles and the boy who was crashed into." Stiles extends his hand and Thea eagerly takes it.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I crashed into you." Thea says. "Yeah, but it was an accident, why should I blame you for an accident?" Stiles responded. "Your weird." "I try." Stiles laughed, clutching his abdomen."What I meant is that most people would be yelling or at least they would be mad." Thea explains. "Thank goodness I'm not most people." Stiles quipped.

The ambulance came and they fussed on the two victims until Oliver came. He saw Thea and Stiles chatting, he saw Stiles shrug of the medical attention and say that Thea needed it more. He saw Thea write Stiles a check and Stiles refusing it. 

Oliver approached and presented himself. "Hello, I'm Oliver Queen, also his brother." Stiles scanned him and gave his goofy grin and with bloody knuckles and all he shook Oliver's hands. 

After a while of talking Thea said, "Again I'm sorry about your car." "It's fine. It just needs a lot of duct tape." Stiles joked. "Please let us pay for the damages." Oliver said. "No fucking way. It was an accident." Stiles refused. "Please if not for you than for me." Thea pleaded. "I can fix it myself." Stiles responded. "Thats not fair for you." Oliver said. 

"It's fine but you could buy me some curly fries, and all is forgiven." Stiles said. "Done!" Thea said. They bought Stiles some curly fries and they all ate tacos which of course Stiles tried to pay for. Stiles said that he was the new CSI. Oliver told him he was the mayor. They all exchanged numbers, and they gave Stiles a ride home. 

Stiles changed into his pijamas which were plaid sweatpants, a black compression shirt and a grey hoodie.

He hooked the camera to his computer and started watching the videos. He remembers that he and Minho filmed most of them. The videos showed them goofing around because after all the hell they went through at the end they were still teenagers.

He grabbed the pen and wrote, whatever came into mind, and he burned it. That night he slept or the first time since he was fourteen, he slept more than an hour.

The next day it was his first day on the job and of course he was late and without a car. Quentin showed him a tour of the precinct and finally of his lab. 

After a few months Stiles was the best CSI in the county, he headed to college where he learnt more and more about politics, which he absolutely loved. He applied for an internship at the white house. He solved a lot of cases. One day it was about three am and Stiles was walking home from a very intense case. 

He knew who was following him, Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow. Stiles reached for his gun and pulled out and pointed it at the Green Arrow. "What the actual hell, Oliver?" He sighed.

[Other pov]

The team including Roy saw Stiles through a distance, Felicity felt a strange bond with him. They saw him work. They saw how quickly his mind worked and how he was never wrong. They saw that Stiles was more effective than a lie tester. They saw him in his house, cooking and talking to his cat or on the phone. 

They saw his little habits. They weren't missed. They heard from Laurel that he went to Afghanistan, that gained Diggle's respect. They saw how he checked if his gun was there. They saw how he scanned the room when he entered or how he never sat with his back facing people or the window. They saw how he always sat in the back of a room to see everyone.

They saw how he studied and worked at the same time or how good he was with computers. They saw that sometimes he seems a little hard of hearing and a little bit blind.

They thought he will make a good addition to the team, no one protested it. Not even Roy. 

One night Oliver followed Stiles in his suit, he saw Stiles pull out the gun and ask, "What the actual hell, Oliver?" "How did you know?" "It was very obvious." Stiles responded pocketing the gun. "I don't mean to be rude or maybe I do but It's three fucking am, I haven't left the lab in two days. Unless you are going to rob me or kill me, I suggest that you leave." Stiles snapped. 

"I want you to meet the team." Oliver said. "Why?" Stiles asked taking a sip of his coffee. "Because you would make a great addition to it." Oliver said. "But you don't like me or trust me." Stiles responded. "I don't." "Why is that?" Stiles asked. "Because you are very private about you past and each time, we ask you manage to change the subject." "But?" Stiles asked. "Thea likes you, Diggle respects you, Felicity is kind of weird about it and so is Roy."

"Fine, I'll meet them, but can it be another day?" Stiles asked. "It can't." "Fine but at least let me change first and feed my cat." Stiles protested. "It's now or never." Stiles needed the recourses to prove his theories. "Fine let's go."

Stiles looked hot but like crap. He looked tired, his hair was messy, his breath reeked of caffeine and cigarettes. He had a black compression shirt, dark blue jeans, black converses and bandages over his knuckles. 

They arrived at the 'headquarters'. "Oliver, you brought him here?" Rene asked, "I did now play nice." "Hello, my name is Felicity and that is, Diggle, Thea, Roy, Rene, Laurel, Quentin, Curtis and Dinah." Felicity said. "I'm Stiles." He said politely. 

"Stilinski." "Whittemore." He responded. Roy moved forward and Stiles asked, "Were the fuck have you been asshole?" "You guys know each other?" Laurel asked. 

"You could say that." Roy grumbled, "He bullied me in high school." Stiles says elbowing Roy in the ribs, "He keyed my car." Roy elbowed back, "He tried to kill me, more than once." He elbowed harder, "He kidnapped me." "So, are we even?" "Yes." Roy responded.

"What just happened?" Felicity says. They both shrug. "Why aren't you with Scott and the others?" Roy asked, "Conflict of interest." Stiles answered vaguely, which was a complete lie.

"I think we should try to know you before we trust you with any information." Diggle said. "Sounds fair, do you guys want to go back to my house?" Stiles responded.

They all nodded and with that they headed to Stiles's house.

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