Stiles wakes up in the hospital, he thinks it WCKD, till he sees his dad.
"Stiles.." His dad said voice cracking.
"Dad." Stiles responded.
He hugs his dad, wincing in the process but he doesn't stop.
"What happened?" Stiles asked. "You've been missing for a year," his dad tells him.
"What?" For Stiles it was three years and eight months, for them it was just one year.
"How long have been out?" Stiles asks. "You've been asleep for a week." The nurses came in to check his vitals, Melissa isn't in the case, because she is to close to it. The nurses leave to get the doctor.
"Dad, is the pack okay?" Stiles asked. "Yeah, they have seen better days, but they are okay." His dad reassured him.
The doctor comes in. "Hello, My name is Dr. Sebastian Stan, i'll be your doctor." Stiles is worried, he hates hospitals.
"Can I talk to your son? Alone?" Dr. Sebastian asks, his dad looks to Stiles and then the doctor. "It's fine dad," His dad leaves, leaving just the doctor and Stiles.
"What's up, doc?" Stiles asked, "Do you want the bad news or the good news first?" "Bad news first." The doctor nods.
"Your dad already knows what i'm about to tell you, but I need to ask you somethings, and I thought it would be easier to talk to an unfamiliar face." Dr. Stan explains.
"What do you want to ask?" Stiles shifts to a sitting position.
"We saw some suggestive wounds on you and we need to ask, did your kidnapper tried to..." "God, no." Stiles interrupts. Sebastian checks something on his file and nods. "Okay, sorry but we had to ask." "It's fine."
"Something else?" Stiles asks. "Yes. We wanted to tell you the exchange of your injuries." Stiles nods.
"You have a hairline fracture on your wrist, your left knee is broken in three places, dislocated and a ligament is destroyed. Eight broken ribs, six broken toes, a punctured lung, a concussion, a broken jaw and a sprained ankle." The doctor explains, Stiles eyes widen and he mutters. "Fuck."
Dr. Sebastian chuckles at the teen antic, some cry, some yell and this teen just cursed. It worried the doctor a bit. "Something else?" Stiles asked. "The concussion caused some brain damage, it's to early to tell what will be affected but it can result making you deaf or blind." Sebastian finished.
Stiles chuckles "Now that, fucking sucks." "I guess it does, doesn't it?" "Yeah." Stiles said. "When will you be able to tell?" "We can do an MRI if you like get ahead from this." Stiles shook his head. "We can't afford it." Stiles explains. "Worry about that later, i'll bring your father in so you can discuss this." The doctor left.
Noah came in, "You knew didn't you?" Stiles asked, his father nodded. "We can't do an MRI." Stiles whispers. "Why not?" "The last time I checked we were still paying of Mom's medical bills, plus mine." "That's not your business." His dad said. "Why not?" "Because it's not!" His dad yelled. "When will it be my business? When we lose the house?" Stiles asked. His dad looks resigned.
"You are doing an MRI. I'm not loosing you too." His dad leaves the room, but he still hears Stiles say "You already lost me, dad."
Stiles hears the doctor and his dad talking outside his room. Dr. Sebastian takes him to the MRI, he sees his father and he has the same look of sickness his mom had. It terrifies him.
"It'll take thirty to forty minutes and it'll sound like a hammer hitting and anvil." Dr. Sebastian explains. Stiles nods, and heads to the machine.
The tell him not to move, Stiles flinches and shifts.
Thirty five minutes later, they are in the room, the air between he and his dad hangs heavy until the doctor comes with the scans. He shows the scans to the Stilinksi men and says, "Those dots will cause damage, but not as much as we thought it would. You'll lose hearing ninety percent on your left ear and sight about seventy percent in your right eye. You may not feel like it now, but you are very lucky." Stiles nods.
"Is there anything we can do about it?" His dad asks. "No, I'm sorry, I'll leave you guys alone." Dr. Stan leaves. Noah hugs his son and holds him as Stiles arm shook with sobs. Noah comforts his son.
The next days, Stiles wasn't discharged. In the hospital, Stiles attended physical therapy, made exams so he could return to highschool, took care of his dad, made him sleep, eat, etc. They gave him pain meds, Xanax for anxiety, Adderall, sleeping pills and more. Dr. Sebastian was actually nice and gave him decent food and kept him company while his dad was at work. Noah looked terrible, he looked sick but refused medical attention. Sebastian and Stiles talked about his father and if Sebastian could dig into his medical files to see whats wrong.
When Stiles was getting discharged and his dad was signing the papers, Noah passed out. They took him to the ER, made countless test and his dad was unconscious in a hospital bed, Stiles in the chair, his good knee bouncing when Dr. Sebastian entered.
"What's wrong with my dad?" Stiles asked looking at Stan's grim face. "He has Meningioma. It's essentially a brain tumor. It's what made him sick." "What can we do?" "He can go through chemo, we caught it early." "Fine, lets do it." Stiles said standing up. "Okay, I'll send someone in"
Sebastian left and someone entered.
"Stiles.." she said. "Melissa."

FanfictionWhat if Thomas got tired of being the hero? He already lost everything. And now he has to pretend He has to pretend to be a teenager who has already broken but no one knew. He has to pretend that breathing doesn't hurt. He has to pretend he wants t...