The pack was waiting for Stiles. "Did he really say yes?" Liam asks. "Yes, he did. He asked me why I thought he wouldn't come; I told him he stopped answering his phone and he told me that he lost his phone." Lydia explains, Derek's heart aches, he thought that Stiles had abandoned them.
"He wasn't ignoring us; he just lost his phone." Scott whispers. "If that was the case, why won't he sit with us in lunch anymore?" Isaac asked. "He tutors on his lunch break." Malia said.
"What?" Derek asked. "Yeah. He helps Danny with Spanish on Mondays. Helps Greenburg with economics on Tuesdays. Helps me with math on Wednesdays. Helps Sam with history on Thursdays and Friday he has to go to see Ms. Morrell." Malia explains.
There was a knock on the door. Stiles comes in. They all sit down and talk and after a while, Stiles asks Peter if he could talk to him.
They go outside and Peter asks. "What do you want to talk about, red?" "You had a son creeperwolf." Stiles blurts out. "What?" "You had a son, his name was Charles, we called him Chuck, he died. I'm sorry. He was twelve when he died but he was a great kid." Stiles says, his voice monotone and flat.
"How was he like?" "Nothing like you, Peter." "Good."
"He asked me to give this to you." He hands Peter the wooden figure. "I tried to get all the blood out." Stiles says softly. "Thank you." "Don't."
Stiles had found out somethings about Newt: his parents were dead. He was an only child. (He and Lizzy aren't siblings in this fanfic.) He loved literature. (Stiles already knew that.)
The next few months were a blur, he followed his routine but now he added Max to it. They would recite Hamlet on the hospital roof. After a few weeks Stiles found out that Max had only one lung and his inmune system wasn't the best.
They created a hit list of things they would steal. They told themselves 'Time will end, disease will fester, death will die.'
Max and Stiles became a duo. Stiles would tell him about Newt and Max told Stiles of his girlfriend that died. Nora.
Stiles started writing, only Max could see what he wrote.
One day Max got so bad, that he couldn't move. Stiles stayed there. The whole day. "Yorick?" Max asked Stiles. "Yes, Hamlet?" They read hamlet and created names for each other. To pretend that this wasn't real. "Why do we have diseases?" "We don't have diseases, they have us. They found a home in us." Stiles explains. "Oh, Yorick could you tell me more about Newt?"
"He was the sun. He was so full of hope, and I was full of questions. He was full of love, but he could hate with every fiber of his being, he liked being happy, but he thought of things that made him sad." "He was a paradox. Just like you." Max says.
"Can I ask you something my Yorick?" "Yes, Hamlet." "Why do you think the sun rises every day?" "Because it first fell" Stiles says. "Do you think it ever gets tired? Do you think once the sun sets it wishes it could set forever?" "I don't know." Stiles admits.
"It's time to go the talent show." Max reminds him. "I won't leave you here." "I'm going to see my mom when she is doing chemo. Leave you need the money, and I want you to record everything. I want to see my Yorick sing." He added, Stiles nodded.
At the talent show, he has his guitar, it's a black electric one. It's in its case. Stiles is one of the last one to showcase his talent. He has to follow up a dance number that Allison and Lydia did.
Stiles is wearing his red classic flannel and some black jeans and black converses.
He gets up to the stage, heart pounding in his chest and plugs his guitar to the speaker.

FanfictionWhat if Thomas got tired of being the hero? He already lost everything. And now he has to pretend He has to pretend to be a teenager who has already broken but no one knew. He has to pretend that breathing doesn't hurt. He has to pretend he wants t...